Please Note: This tip isn't only Taming, it contains Utility too! I'm on my phone writing this, so sorry if the formatting is bad!


To get a Magmasaur, you have to steal one of their eggs, hatch it, and raise it yourself. To my knowledge, as babies they will only eat sulfur. However, as adults, they will take raw meat and can be force-fed to heal like a carnivore. I ran into the cave on Lost Island with nothing on several times and came out with 2 eggs. Please note: They can and will shoot fireballs at you. We haven't tried breeding them yet, but to my knowledge they can breed while in lava.


AMAZING. They can get metal, crystal, obsidian, and more really well, they can cook it on the go (Drawback: Rapidly drains hunger and disables sprinting,) they can fight, and they can cook meat in their inventory for you (Unsure if they need to be on smelting to do this.) They're also decently fast on the ground.

At full charge, their "Searing spit" (Hold RMB to charge) does high damage and a powerful burn effect. This ability requires metal ingots to use.

If you press space, they will do a taunt that enrages wild creatures. It might do more, but I don't remember. Sorry!


Originally thought they were all the same color, but I have been proven wrong! Me and a friend on a non-dedicated have 1 Magmasaur each, and I noticed his has blue tail tips while mine doesn't. This is everything I've found out about Magmasaurs so far, and it may not be everything.

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