ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies

TAME THIS early game to mid game. It is the easiest to tame and is very fast, can harvest, and can jump.
More Iguanodon Everything Else Tips
•Has two speeds.
2.Tranq or club it.
3.Feed it berries.
4.Protect it.
•Can turn berries into seeds.
•Very high health, stamina is great.
•In short: An op parasuar.
Hit the good button so the noobs can get this,
Tamed an Igaunodon that takes no damage and the stamina never goes down. It’s name is Iggy.
Should be in early game category!
To the people who name it iggy that’s the name of my churches mascot for the little little kids
It’s fake because it makes berrys by spreading them in sand/dirt
If you have the patience, just get a Procoptodon. A lvl 75 beats a lvl 150 Iguanodon at everything other than base damage.