I once tamed a iguanodon lv 113 in early game (i rarely…

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I once tamed a iguanodon lv 113 in early game (i rarely name any creature as their death will affect me a lot). Me and this iguanodon always stick together cuz he can protect me from raptor. Life is good as i tame a raptor, some dilo and moschop. Until the judgement day, i with my iguanodon was farming metal on the hill, when i tried to come back home, a raptor lv 90 was targetting me, i then tried to bola it but fail, the raptor jump on me and attack while my iguanodon tried to attack the raptor to defend me.

At the end, i died

I respawned at my bed at which night was coming along with rain. And as fast as i can, i tried to rush back to where i died just to find nothing, no raptor, no iguanodon. I spent all the night looking for him until day coming, when i accepted he died protecting me

2 weeks later, i tamed an ankylo and bring it to the metal ores as people say it can farm iron ores, but whatever i tried, the ankylo just doesnt farm the ores. I then whisper it back home just to realise 2 creature heard my whisper. I thought that was a moschop as i tamed so many moschops to farm fiber. But to my surprised, the iguanodon came back to me. I then check its inventory and realised it has a rex trophy and with so little food. I then bring the iguanodon to my home and named it “the brave warrior of the sea”

As to why i didnt find it, its becuz i was searching at the wrong side of the hill (i searched the left side while my igua is at the right side)

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