ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Iguanodon Funny Tips
I was taming one of these bad boys, when a massive pack of dilos came I managed to kill them all but then I was massacred by a raptor. Came back to kill the raptor and retrieve my stuff and went looking for my iguanodon, but I couldn’t find them so I perceived it to be dead. A literal month later
your iguanodon lvl 56 killed a raptor lvl 5
Me: oh shoot he still alive!?!
I was playing on the island map, and I got a high level one that I named Iggy. After some leveling Iggy was at level 203. I had a Ptera, but Iffy was way better. I went away for a bit, and when I came back to base I got the message: "Your Iggy - Level 203 has been killed by a Dilo - Level 100"
I went full speed back, and I sicked all of my tames on that Dilo. Since then, I have played on two different maps. Each time, when I see an Iguanadon, I check the level immediately. They are so hard to find. I did find a 120, but it got killed by a Carno.
So 10/10 would tame again. Assuming they don't get killed by a lowly dilo while its on passive...