Ichthyosaurus are one of the weakest water tames, but their speed makes them a great utility tame. This guide will help you acquire one yourself.

1. Locate an accessible ichthy of the desired level, if you have no water tames, go for one near shore, preferably in a mostly cut off from the ocean body of water like a bay. Taming a very low level can allow you to increase your range of accessibility because you can swim far into the ocean so it can be a good idea when going for a high level.

2. Gather food, raw meat is good enough if you cannot get better food, however I would recommend prime, or mutton because they are relatively easy to get and they will give much more taming progress and lose very little effectiveness. Kibble can also be used if you have access to it, for a perfect tame.

3. The ichthy is a passive tame, so you will need to swim up to it to start taming it. As with every passive tame, the interval between feeding it a second time is very long, so you can either wait with it, or you can do something short, it seems to be around 10 to 20 minutes. After the second feed they will be low on hunger, and so you can feed them around every 15 seconds until they are tamed or full on hunger (which has never happened to me because of how much their hunger goes down when waiting for the second feed)

4. Ichthys will naturally swim towards and follow you when you get near, which makes taming them much easier. After staying with you, eventually they will swim away, however in my experience you delay this by periodically moving and having them follow you, instead of staying still. When they do start swimming away, exit the water instead of chasing them. This will make them stop avoiding you, and will make it so if you get close to them again, they will begin following you again. It is MUCH easier to try to cut them off rather than chase them to get close again to get them to follow you.

Happy taming!

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