ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Ichthyornis Stories Tips
I had the pleasure of befriending one of these animals. Despite popular opinion, I find ichthyornis birds to be quite charming and graceful. So much that I found myself taming one. After he woke up, I saw a fire in Greg. From then on, we would be best friends. He’d come with me everywhere. From simple resource gathering to Bronto taming, Greg would be there supporting me from my shoulder. When I was too tired to go fishing or hunting, Greg was there to do it for me. He even makes the effort to make sure I get the best meat out of it. He is a quick learner, he went from from level 20 to level 40 in a day. Anywhere I go, he comes. Anything I need, he makes it his top priority. To this day, Greg continues to be my best friend and sometimes we just hang out on the beach or go fishing even when the resources aren’t needed. I thank Greg for his time with me and his endless favors that he has completed for me. Thank you, Greg.
Just tamed one of these myself, after reading the story of Greg I decided there was only one name suitable for this creature. I love My Greg so much, he is amazing. Shortly after I tamed him I was out gathering with him perched on my shoulder when I was attacked by a group of compys, Greg instantly Launched himself off my shoulder and flew into the air with on in his Jaws while my raptor killed the other 2. I've never enjoyed watching something that has attacked me die so much.... Until a couple minutes later. A Dilo ran up and before it could even blind me Greg swooped in and grabbed him up in his Jaws flew into the air and tore him to shreds. 10/10 would tame a whole battalion of Greg's.
Also they are great for catching fish and taming otters.
Guys, I just stole the best idea! On the carno page, everyone is saying, PUT BRUCE WAYNE INTO THE ARK ANIMATED SERIES, and I thought hey, why don’t we ask the same thing for Greg?!?! Continue asking wildcard if you want it to happen. Even just “ark should add Greg to the animated series” will do. I just want more Ichthyornis popularity points. Grow the community! (Yes, I know that last part sounds capitalistic, and l’m pretty sure that wildcard made this app so just flood these chat things and maybe they’ll hear us)/side note, OG owner of Greg, if you don’t want Greg in the series, just ask, as I’m pretty sure most people on this chat line are awesome people and will understand/
Username: Blitz
Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 49 ~the transmission~
(Short one today, haven’t planned out the next part and I don’t have much time to write.)
Nash and the serpents were near the amargasaurus's camp now, they could smell the smoky scent in the air from the amargasaurus spines. They were still grieving and were going solemnly and quietly. Suddenly the sky-dome of the ark started glitching. “I bet Ssalizzar iss behind thiss…” Seascale said. Then they saw a huge screen pop up in the sky, (kinda like in the hunger games) it was Ceasar, and he was sitting down in a wooden chair in a strange room with all kinds of technological equipment behind him. “Ron, Nash, Ping, and Seascale, I don’t know if your hearing this but in case you are, we are alright, me Bones, Jaxz and the gigantopithicus troop landed on a desert ark called Hades about a month ago and we are trying to find a way to you. I wish you could talk back, if your still alive… but regardless, we believe the artifacts are the key to finding each other, if we can defeat the guardians of our respective arks we should be able to access our arks control rooms, from there we should be able to communicate and figure out how to stop Salizar. Salizar, (he said with a pause) I know your listening, I want you to hear this. We will stop you, and we will return to Pandora. surrender now and we can end this.” Caesar said. Then the sky-done returned to normal. “They’re alive!” Nash said excitedly. “I hope the ssame can be said for thosse crazy birds..” Fin said. “Ron iss very ressourcseful, and Ping hass dumb luck on hiss sside, they’ll be alright.” Seascale said. “if we need to defeat the guardian then we’ll need the artifacts, I believe my friend Xu can help us fight the beast and he’ll be happy to give us the other artifacts, but we’ll have to retrieve the artifact of the hunter from the onycs.” Nash said. “They won’t like that…” Fang said. “No they won’t. But firsst let’ss go get Sskyla back.” Seascale said.
The Obelisk
-Chapter 56-
Forest dropped the rune into the sack and quickly swung it over his shoulder, settling it in place. Not losing this again, he thought with determination.
Coal skidded passed Crimson to a second exit on the other side of the room. He gestured his head for them to follow, and slipped out of sight.
Crimson and Bramble were first. Spark was second, and then Forest made his way for the exit. Rust and Nyx followed close behind him.
Coal was moving quickly, sprinting through the halls, checking behind him to make sure Forest and the others were following. He took a left turn.
Forest sprinted up closer to Crimson and Bramble, who kept scanning the surrounding halls and rooms for any Terror birds. All was silent. Forest couldn’t help imagining the tiny Terror bird hatchling, screaming as she ran to find her parents. They need to get out of here before everyone knew.
The prince took another left, and the others followed.
Out of the corner of his eye, Fores tjrouced the rune in the sack was glowing bright again. Rust—who was behind him, gave the sack a puzzled look. Nyx noticed too, but instead of looking confused, her eyes widened and she glanced around.
“HEY!” A dark brown Terror bird appeared in the other end of the hallway, her spear tilted upright. “What do you think you’re doing?” Everyone skidded to a stop in front of her.
Coal inhaled sharply and everyone turned to run—but then another Terror bird stepped in behind them. There was only one way out now. Coal spread his wings menacingly, hissing at the soldiers.
“Prince Coal?” One soldier asked.
Coal stared at her, his face a mask of terror and guilt.
The rune in Forests sack grew brighter and brighter. Nyx gasped and backed up away from it. Crimson snarled at the soldiers, thumping her tail on the ground.
And then the walls collapsed.