ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

griffin fun ahahahahahahahahahahah
More Griffin Everything Else Tips
This is not on asa!!! It says it is, but it is not. Fingers crossed that ragnarok comes out in march.
These “griffins” should be breedable,who else agrees
Were do you find them? Can you find them in Ark sirvivel
Why do I need 90 lvls to get griffin 😡😡 hahahaha
apart from the quetz, this is the best and most useful flyer in the game. It’s got a lot of stamina, its dive makes it the fastest flyer, it has a dive bomb, which does plenty of damage, and it looks awesome. I was really disappointed when I found out that griffins don’t spawn in the actual Ark Island map, cus they’re my fav dino in general, but I just need patience for rag to come to Ark Ultimate Mobile then im good to go!
We should get a rework for the griffin, possibly with a snake as a tail like the griffins from mythology.
WHAT THE HECK DOES ANGEL EAT?!?! I call the griffin I'm currently trying to tame "Angel" bc of his wings and tail,they most literally SHIMMER AND SHINE.but yeah,I tried giving angel prime meat,I see he ain't eating,so I get regular meat,he still don't eat it by himself,I cook the meat,it don't work,cooked prime,don't plz,tell me what the heck this bird eats so I can tame angel.
If your raiseing one use allo kibble
Day 3: Griffin
The griffin is one of my personal favorite creatures in all of ark as it can do almost anything you want it to, and, in my experience, it can even kill wild gigas if you play your cards right. It’s an extremely versatile flier and can cover extremely long distances with its dive bomb ability. This ability allows for you to do extremely fast descents from a high altitude and giving you a very large temporary speed boost. Griffins are also capable of picking up small and medium creatures, with the biggest being the megalania. Another ability it has is its swoop attack that you can get by doing a dive bomb, then pulling back and using your basic attack, doing a devastating amount of damage and allowing for a quick escape. If, instead of pulling back, you decide to slam straight into the ground and attack your target upon impact, you can deal such an insane amount of damage that it can even one shot almost all medium and small dinos, and even the occasional allo. The best method to maximize the speed using the divebomb ability is to fly upwards at about a 45 degree angle until you get high enough to divebomb down a short amount until you get the speed boost and then pulling up at a 45 degree angle and then rinse and repeat. Another cool feature that the griffin has is that it can seat up to 2 players and you can shoot off of its back while mounted. When you dismount the griffin you will stay on its back so you don’t have to worry about accidentally dismounting and falling from extreme heights.
Base stats:
With 950 base health, the griffin is much more tanky than most other fliers, and paired with its base 27 attack, this can be used, not only as an aerial weapon, but as a ground attacker too. It has a relatively low stamina pool with only 225, but it is relatively easy to level up, going up at 11.5 per level. Its weight is also not very notable, but it ranks relatively high among fliers at 425.
To tame a griffin you will most definitely need a trap, as these things are absolute nightmares to tame without a trap. The main trap that I use for these, and most other small to medium dinos, is 6 stone foundations, 32 stone door frames, one stone dino gateway and gate and 6 stone ceilings. What you are going to want to do is put the foundations down in a 3x2 and then make the doorframes 4 high on 3 of the sides, with the Dino gateway and gate on the other side. The supplies you need to ko and tame it will be either 1) a crossbow with tons of tranq arrows(it took me 2 crossbows and close to 250 tranq arrows to get a level 145 down so bring a lot of arrows and probably a spare crossbow) or 2) a longneck rifle with tranq darts or shocking tranq darts. You won’t need nearly as many
tranq darts as you would arrows and the same goes for shocking tranq darts. To get the griffin into the trap, you will likely need a flier of some kind, preferably a pteranodon, but it isn’t always necessary. If the griffin you want to tame is within shooting range, you can just shoot it and once it gets close to you, you can just run into the trap. Once it follow you into the trap, you will need to run out through the door frames and circle around and close the gate. Then empty tranqs into it until it is kod. If it isn’t in shooting range then you will need a flier to kite it down closer to the ground and then fly as fast as you can up and over the trap and then land on the other side of the trap. The griffin should then fly straight into the trap to try to get you and then you run around and close the gate. If it doesn’t go straight in you will need to fly back around and try again until it flies into the trap. Once it’s in, you can just ko it and feed it. Its favorite food is extraordinary kibble, but I usually just use mutton, as it works nearly as well. Once it’s tamed I would suggest leveling two out of every five points into melee, one into health weight and stamina each, but don’t feel like you have to do this. It is just my suggestion so if you want to level it up for a specific purpose, feel free to do so.
We should be able to breed these