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Giga:ah what a good day to kill some hopes and dreams

Walks across the beach with sun shining on his back than he sees a female spino and a male rex

Spino and rex:we aren't afraid of you!

Giga:and what that

He said shining evily

Suddenly the spino and rex grew and the giga shrunk he was still large but not in comparison

Giga: what kind of black magic is This?

Spino: oh no it's not magic it's just be realistic technically the gigantasaur was the third biggest land carnivore rex was second and spin was first


Rex:look it up

Cue insane laughter from the rex and spino

And screaming from the giga

Seriously please upvot3 so that the devs realise there mistake spinos are my favorite dinosaur and I hate how they are never displayed to be as big/strong as they truly are. And if you don't believe me than do what the rex said look it up

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