ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Giganotosaurus Funny Tips
Ark:let’s make some thing new
Worker: ok what?
Ark: let’s make it the biggest carnivor
Worker: ok
Ark: make it the strongest thing
Worker:ok what Elsa
Ark: make it the most feared thing in ark
Ark: make it when it bites there’s a bleed effect
Worker:ok is that it
Ark: no make it destroy base with one chomp make it destroy every material but tech
Worker:is it tameably and ride ably
Ark: yes, but make the saddle one of the last things to get and make it incredibly expensive
Worker:oh ok um the player are not going to like me
Ark: oh and it can’t go in boss fights
Worker:what so they go through all this trouble taming it and can’t go in to for boss battles
Ark: yup now do
Worker:ok poor players
Player1what happened
Player 2the server down
Player 3here it is back
Player1whats that a Rex no what is that no
Player3guys guys nooooooooo
I dare you to raise one!! They are savage if you got two high lvl parents (about lvl 140ish) and you get imprinting on it. The thing will become an adult with about 230% melee and basically one chomp any bronto!!! But on the down side you loose your job and your girlfriend