Im lvl 50, take my argy Falcone to the mountain, just to see a lvl 3 Giga right in front of me. Hasn't aggroed at all, and a beautiful green color. It was also female. I was so shocked, that my jaw dropped. I had just seen a Titan too. When it comes to gigas, they are rare for me. But a titan, is completely uncommon for me. I am still shocked to see the giga. A purlovia spawned 15 inches away from it (I guess). Giga hasnt rampaged, or aggroed on anything yet. I've got a joke for you all at the end too). Is this the worlds first "nice" Giga? I was able to get pretty close without the giga aggroing. The giga still hasnt aggro yet. Pretty shocking to encounter this, yet so cool.

The giga wasn't as big as I thought, so I was a little "meh" with it.

"Nice Giga"

Now for the joke.

What do you call a Giganotosaurus Bite?


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