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Surprisingly easy....if you have the patience and the materials that is, otherwise it's just pure stress. Tamed a lv10 on mobile within argy, about two stacks of tranq arrows, a mastercraft crossbow, one soothing balm and one piece of prime meat. You don't actually need the metal gates as they say. The wiki has got a ton of viable methods but the easiest one is still climb a rock. More specifically the gigantic rock at the southern edge of the north-west snow biome on the island. I've seen two gigas spawn there and it's rather easy to lure them to the giant rock and start tranqing away. You need to have the giga on the side close to the edge of the map and slightly higher up the mountain than u would be if u walk off the rock. It works since there is a lower point on the rock that allows a giga to think ur in range when ur in fact too high to be bitten and so will keep attacking instead of running. When it's topor get high, (i recommend bringing a spyglass and check it's torpor occasionally and be prepared)When It turns and flees, hop back on your argy(or quetzal or griffin if u have one.) Then give chase. If your position was right the giga should get no more than a few steps before getting stuck on the mountain ridge. (It only worked on the second try for me so save ur progress before tranqing!) Then it's just a matter of a few more shots and u can get on to taming. (Bring soothing balm, if u don't have one then bring plenty of narco berries to cope with the giga's lightspeed torpor drop.)

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