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I was searching for a therizinosaur then I came across 145 lv giga and it was so pretty with blue and yellow colours. I didnt think of taming a giga before cuz I was scared. Then I was like its just a game the worst thing taht can happen is I can lose my dino. I texted my teammate and he was like we cant tame this(he is a new player). Then we I checked the stuff we have and we were only able to craft 130 darts. Next I saw tranq arrows in vault and we got everthing we need to tame and we went to the place I found it. Luckily it was still there. I built the trap abd placed the bear trap. Then I tried him to follow me but it was angro on other dinos and my teammate was making it harder... Finally we got him trapped and started shooting and after a while his hands started hurting. He was gonna give up at the laat min but luckily he knocked down after 130 darts and 100s of tranqs and we tamed it. I advice u to tame it if u have staff and if u find a high lv one.

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