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On valguero they're found near the green orb area.

Ragnorok you can find them in the desert, highlands and the green forest area.

I recommend doing it with team members but solo works too.

If you're doing it solo:

Get a spy glass and find a giga and see what level it is.

Get your narcotics ready (the amount that is needed & also bring extra incase)

Get your desired weapon and ammo ready (you can also use a crossbow and tranq arrows but it will take longer. Bring lots of the same weapon and ammo incase your weapon breaks mid tame and bring more ammo for potential missed shots).

Get 4 metal regular dino gates and set 3 of them up in a square position. Put a large bear trap in the middle.

Somewhat further away from your trap place a bed and a storage box.

Put all your supplies in the storage box.

Lure it

Grab supplies

Shoot it from distance

When trapped in bear trap, put the 4th gate behind it! Shoot it down. If you die you most likely won't get your stuff back.

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