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Funny story, me and my two friends where on rag on a raft near the edge of highlands friend 1 saw two whale corpses and metal, he told me and friend 2 to get the whales whilst he gets the metal. Friend 2 is a lazy c*** so he stayed on the raft while me and friend 1 got the materials. I was thinking β€˜sweet more tranqs for me’. While I was on the second whale friend 1 heard heavy footsteps and you guest it is the big, ugly, fat giga. Me and friend 1 are makes b line for the raft. We get on but friend 1 being dumb and all jumped on the velo was the a TRY TO KILL THE THING. The gig swims to the raft and with 1 bite me, friend 2 and several jerboas died. We get our stuff back and giga is still at the raft so friend 1 prepares the velo. I get on a cliff and SHOOT THE GIGA thinking it wouldn’t agro. The velo dies the raft gets destroyed and I am a solo with three wyverns living happily in redwoods hope you enjoyed πŸ˜€

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