ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

When want to kill, just let it aggro on you then go to the nearest shoreline. Make sure it doesn’t lose aggro and is still following you. Flying mount will be good, and an aquatic tame 500 meters away or more to keep safe. Lure into water, wait for it to drown then go to aquatic tame (basil might be good) then eat him.
More Giganotosaurus Utility Tips
When I tamed my first giga, I thought it was super weak… no better than a good Rex. And it was! It changed when I bred my first two and hatched and fully imprinted my triplets: Eclipse, Thunder and Frenzy. They are all much, much better than any Rex I’ve ever had. Not to mention having twice the hp and more than twice the damage of their parents. I will continue to breed, too. 👆if you relate
Paleo ark:evolution makes this behemoth look 1000x better and same with the Rex, such smooth animations new roars, and you can actually level the gigas health, got one of them to 60k health, you can also bring them to boss battles, you can only bring 2 tho or else they will go berserk and murk your whole army (this happened to me, it did 3x the damage of the alpha broodmother) over all great mod and I still think without it it’s better than the carcha, the only way a carcha would be better is if it has like 60+ kill frenzy