Go pro and the bees will not hit you
After destroying the hive use the honey it drops to keep the queen close by adding it to task bar and throwing it on the floor it works guys
Giant bee honey should not spoil but it should crystallize but you can heat it up at a campfire and it will turn back to liquid honey
When filling your bee hives with rare flowers, they go through 1 flower ever 45mins.
100 flowers equals 75hrs in real time 🫡
It makes honey every 45mins and eats rare flowers every 4 hours
How cool would it be if you had the option for these to be a hive or a shoulder pet I think it would be amazing
Take it home, make it make a nest at your base, get ghille armour, get your honey plus it produces bees that fight for the queen but the mand nest will hurt you when your close without ghille armour
Put Rare Flowers in the hive so it can produce Honey which is used for a lot of things
Someone here said it cant be transfered. It can when inside of a cryo.
NEVER CRYO ON ABERRATION. You will not be able to release it bc the game will recognize it as a foreign Dino.
Place your hive next to water sit in the water and you can open the hive without your bees attacking you