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If you are on extinction, you need this animal late-game. Snag an anky, or if you have genesis, Get a magmasaur. Cryo it, then empty your inventory of everything but what you need. (Bring a glider or parachute for emergency landings. Tek boots work too.) then fly around on the gasbags, then when you find a good metal and/or obsidian node land, uncryopod the anky/magmasaur, then harvest the node. Cryo the anky/magmasaur again, then load the heavy resources into the gasbags. Repeat for crystal, metal, obsidian, wood, or even element dust, then when the gasbags’ weight is at about 85% capacity, fly home and drop off the resources wherever you want them. Repeat this whole process as often as you want for MASSIVE quantities of resources. I got 3000 metal ingots with a 4000 weight gasbags, a 800% melee anky, and some gas with and industrial forge. All in under half an hour!

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