ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Dog dog dog dog for dinosaur and it needs to poop
More Fenrisúlfr Everything Else Tips
I feel like it bothers me way to much when new Dino’s don’t have pictures. Anyone agree with me?
I know nothing
But it's strong
Don't go down
I warned you
You play primative ark
Tame a titanosaur and a giga and all gen 2 titans
Or you will get cursed by wild card
If you want mass destruction and murder just summon into world and watch the show
When are we getting an image for this thing?
I think that the tree on this map is a resemblance of the 3 locations you can teleport to, Jotunheim or the ice place is the floor the tree is on, Vanaheim, or the green tree place is the branches, and I’m still wondering where Asgard, or the orange fall place, should go.
Very well Sir, as you wish. I shall not argue with someone who won’t even bother to look up what Yggdrasil is or read a single article about the Norse world. I know that there are no nine worlds in the game, but Fjordur is inspired by Norse Mythology and the worlds that are in game (Jotunheim, Asgard, Vanaheim) are directly from Norse mythology. The tree Yggdrasil connects all the remaining worlds which were not added because of performance problems of having such a big map.
If you do actually decide to look into the matter (which I doubt), go read Neil Gaiman’s Norse mythology, specifically the first two or three chapters. It details the Norse world and how it was created, and all the nine realms on the tree Yggdrasil
Have a good day
If if you get a fender in creative mode it will be your best friend finders are amazing and can summon dire wolfs.
Ok I have a question to Mr. Thor’s mighty oak (sorry I don’t know how to call you):
If nobody knows that the tree is actually the Thor’s mighty oak and nowhere on the internet is it called that way, how do YOU know that? Did the knowledge come to you in some magical dream?
Just admit it, the tree is called Yggdrasil. Two people have said it here already, and I agree with them too. The point you brought up about Thor having a brother named Loki who had a son named Fenrir, while being true, is no evidence to the tree being Thor’s mighty oak as none of those characters have any connection to the tree. All the characters are from Norse myths however. What else is from Norse myths? Yggdrasil!
So please stop calling people who just want to say the truth that other people agree with hypocrites. I don’t mean this in a negative way, since not everyone is an expert in the field of Norse mythology, but confirm your knowledge before sharing it to others.
To the guy who said it’s Yggdrasil that makes no sense because there aren’t 9 worlds in fjordur now I do think it’s Thor’s mighty oak because the other guy who said thors mighty oak is right fenrir is lokis son so I do believe that’s true and Loki is thors little brother so that makes sense and as someone who studied oNorse mythology for a while isn’t it weird that a Yggdrasil would give you mjolnir but not…thors mighty oak so there you have it thors mighty oak is the tree in the background now while I don’t condone asking for likes I will say any like or dislike with feedback is well appreciated so… thanks