ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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He spawns with a fenrir pack once you start the boss fight and has 120,0000 HP. Plus you get fenrir once you kill it. Sadly that’s the only way to get fenrir hope he gets a easier method to tame.
this is the confident doge of fjordur, speaking of fjordur have you wondered what that giant tree is? well NO ONE seems to know but i do, thats thors mighty oak, it shows what he is like, mighty, strong, prevails mighty, is proud, and yeah. punch the sky if you found nice, if not at least dont downvote, i never get many ups
Pretty sure this is the final boss
A friend and I just kill him on alpha. The fight wasn’t to bad only lost two rexes. Be careful though he has an instant kill move if you get close to him even mounted, my friend learn that the hard way. We took 18 rexes and 2 yuty. Rexes had 75000/ 80000 ish health and 1500 ish damage. Yutys had 90000 health garbage damage it’s all about that buff. Saddle average was 50 nothing crazy.
The main boss on Fjordur. You need to kill Steinbjôrn, Beyla, and Hoti and Skoll for their relics to fight Fenrisúlfr. Also the OG bosses on Gamma, Beta, or Alpha depending on the difficulty you want!!😁
This section is for taming the boss not the small wolf
Why dont you put how to tame fenrir on the fenrir page not the fenrisulfr
So get to high place and shoot this boiiiiiii
-the c4 DodO 🦤
Carryable By

Affected By

Can Damage

Fits Through

FjordurFenrisúlfr is a boss in ARK: Fjordur.
Translations: フェンリル, Фенрис, 芬里爾巨狼.