ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
So just tame a spino put most into damage others in health and movement. go into the combat mode and two shot him
More Fenrisúlfr Encountering Tips
Pretty sure this is the final boss
A friend and I just kill him on alpha. The fight wasn’t to bad only lost two rexes. Be careful though he has an instant kill move if you get close to him even mounted, my friend learn that the hard way. We took 18 rexes and 2 yuty. Rexes had 75000/ 80000 ish health and 1500 ish damage. Yutys had 90000 health garbage damage it’s all about that buff. Saddle average was 50 nothing crazy.
The main boss on Fjordur. You need to kill Steinbjôrn, Beyla, and Hoti and Skoll for their relics to fight Fenrisúlfr. Also the OG bosses on Gamma, Beta, or Alpha depending on the difficulty you want!!😁
So get to high place and shoot this boiiiiiii
-the c4 DodO 🦤
When fighting it whistle target your tames dont get to close to it, it has a sort of black hole attack which pulls you towards it and can does a freeze attack which dismounts you. -phatbawllz
How to beat it? Everyone’s just saying how u get fenrir for killing it I don’t care I wanna know how. I also don’t want some crazy boosted ass mf with 120k health and 2.4k+ melee rexes. What would be good Rex stats for it solo on official gamma-alpha (with 100+ armor saddles and yuty and probably a pig)
The best way to kill alpha fenrisulr is using 13 rexes, 6 deinonychus, and 1 yuti.
alpha is the hardest but it gives you the best loot
Apparently he Freezes your tame so you fall off. And I got wrecked in a half of a second in maxcrafted Flak Armor.
Theris are best for this fight the icicle spin attack does not hit them. Even though steinbjorn has the same attack, the theri are to tall for him.