ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies

These infact do spawn on mobile. I’ve seen some trembling around.
More Eurypterid Taming & KO Tips
I wish these were tamable so badly
They love sweat juicy forcetame 😋
Is this in ark mobile? Because afk mobile wants me to share a photo of it.
Their favorite food is >forcetame
These are tamable with fish baskets. At least on PC
It would be cool to drop spoiled meat near them and it would eat it and gain taming percentage. Boi that would be cool
These are so dangerous for human life they can instantly knock u out with any armor of stimulant and then u can't do anything use dinos to kill them if u want
You cant tame these for some reason. Dont even bother. Only thing good about these are that tgey drop pearls.