ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I wonder is this a vanilla boss???
More Dragon Utility Tips
YOU CANT tame stop lying to get famous
This dino lacks any real utility due to the fact that it is a boss and therefore cannot be tamed.... But it drops the highest amount of element out of the four bosses if that can be seen as a utility of sorts
This thing has extremely OP fire breath, seriously roasted my Rex army alive....RIP Wrecking Crew
FYI the fire damage is percent of health based, its not reduced by armor or levelling health. In fact, the lower the health the better tbh. Because if you have a massive health pool your pig will struggle with all the health to recover, while if you only level melee the damage done by the fire can be more easily dealt with, and youre less likely to lose rexes/therizins.
Pls add all of e dragons the mobile, and animals
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A daeodon is needed for this fight. Herbivores are also needed. NO REXES OR ALLOS. They will die much quicker than herbivores. 1 yuty, 1 daeodon, 16 therizinos, and 2 Wooly rhinos would be good. With the rhinos u can go with a male and a female. 1 player on each. U can space out when u want to charge and there herbivores so theyβll take less damage.
With eny fire or lightning or things like that breatheing Dinoβs including the dragon can breathe whatever they breathe Into water!you simply pop the head underwater(ONLY THE HEAD)and blow!-DJ Fox7222
You can use admin to spawn and X variant!!!!
The dragon will appear in the center of the map and will be available for taming. The dragon can only be ridden for a short amount of time before turning on its master.
Im not sure if its a glitch but i havnt been able to harvest the element when i fight it on rag