568 points   ⚔️ Encountering       Report

For this fight, you will need 19 therizinos and one yutyrannus. Use calien soup and wear ghille armour to deal with the heat. The Portal is situated at the Red Obelisk Terminal. Instead of 3 artifacts, you will require 4 of them.

Artifact of the Cunning: 456904

Use a good Basiliosaurus and scuba diving gear too. In the cave, follow the path in until you see the first archway of stones. Go left from there and you will see a bunch of pillars in the background and a second archway of stones. Go over the second archway and head directly to the right, until you see a half pillar made out of the artifact material. Go in the hole behind the pillar. Keep on following the path, until you see the artifact.

The artifact of the Immune: 627370

Bring a cryopoded megatherium for this cave, AND a gas mask. To craft a gas mask, you need absorbant substrate. You will need sap for this. To get sap, craft a sap tap and place it on a big, fat tree, prefably at redwoods. BRING MORE THAN ONE GAS MASK!!!!! THEY TAKE DAMAGE OVER TIME!!!

Follow the path, till you see two cave passages. Go to the one on the left and keep sticking to the left, till you get to a swamp pool. Go to the left path.  At the second swamp pool, go through the middle path, then to the right, until the pathway starts to get smaller and narrower, and bam, you found the artifact. (Yuss queen!)👁👄👁

The artifact of the Skylord:190190

It is an extremely narrow cave that will have to be explored in, without a tame. Yes. Don't even bother bringing in a tame, because the cave is too narrow for that. Instead, you will go there on foot! 😃(as always, bring fria curry and fur armour to keep you warm. And also, use a crossbow and a lot of grapple hooks. And a lesser antidote too!)

Go into the cave, then once you are inside the tunnel with many passages, go all the way to the extreme right. Once you are at the point where you can't explore further, grapple onto the red, glowing thing on the top right of the cave. Defeat a few onyncs, until you find the artifact of the skylord! (Short and simple, am I right?)🌚

The artifact of the Strong:296321

Literally the same tools and technique as the skylord cave, but with an iron pickaxe (you can use a direwolf tho...). (BEWARE THE PULVORIA!!!)

Follow the path into the cave until you reach a junction in the cave. Go left, and crouch into the narrow passage. Turn right, then stick to every single left ground path you can, until you get lead to a pathway that is blocked with crystal. Mine that away, using a metal pickaxe, then follow the ground path to the left, all the way until the end of the cave. There, you will find a giant gorilla statue, holding the artifact in its hand.

You will also need 6 tribute items too.

Allosaurus brain

Basiliosaurus blubber

Tyrannosaurus arm

Yutyrannus lungs

Tusoteuthis tentacle

Giganotosaurus heart

(Play in beta difficulty)

Before the fight, craft 20 sweet vegetable cakes for EACH therizinosaur. This will heal the therizinosaurs every time their health goes below 90%.

Beware the dragon's fire breath attack. If it hits your dinos or you, it will make you/them burn up and you/they will lose 10% of their health. If it uses fire breath on you 5 times, you and your dinos are dead. Please. For the love of God, avoid that fire breath.

Also, the dragon can shoot fireballs that will damage you and your tames, even if you are riding a dinosaur, so be weary of that.

Also, bring med brews to heal yourself if you take a lot of damage.

The best way to defeat the dragon is to have your dinos spread all around it, so if a dino does a fire breath attack, it only gets a few therizinos, instead of a whole pack. ALWAYS aim to attack the dino from behind, cos that is the best strategy for winning this fight.

Once you have defeated the dragon boss, you will have all the tek armour tekgrams unlocked and you can start playing around with it. Hurrah!! 🥳🥳🥳

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