ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They are excellent at getting stone, but they cant damage stone buildings..... im confused
More Doedicurus Taming & KO Tips
Use Simple Rifle and Tranq Darts instead of arrows to keep from damaging too much. Like for people to see.
So much misinformation here. Where to begin lol ok so as of Aug 2023, you can knock out w tranq arrows no problem, just go for level 80+ shoot in the head not the shell, wait 5 seconds between shots. You canβt bola them so ignore that comment. Creatures do not take torpor damage when they are caught by bear traps so ignore that comment too. Someone said to use biotoxin to keep them unconscious thatβs a terrible plan because these guys wake up pretty fast, and they take quite awhile to tame high levels. You want to use narcoberries because they take the longest to take effect, the time it takes to fill up all the way is invaluable compared to filling it up fast.
Be sure to shoot the doedicurus on it's underside, not the shell, the shell only takes half torpor
First you bola, then shoot in the head. Shooting in the shell will lead to hundreds of wasted tranqs.
you can definetly tame these with tranq arrows. put some wooden spikes around it and feed it soothing balm if you can. you dont need too much narcotics if you use soothing balm
Use a equus when itβs balled up to tame fast
they say nothing about how when it balls up its basically impossible to knock out
Donβt listen to ppl who say u need tranq darts if itβs high enough lvl it wonβt get low enough to curl in a ball so if it is a high lvl you can use tranq arrows freely:)
To long to tame?
Pick it up with an argy and drop it into a pen. Place a sleeping bag down and sleep when you wake up it will be starved. Then knock it out at your leisure. Hope this helps.