Hello, this is my second tip after my argy tip, im gonna tell you how to easily tame it and what it was used for,


First you just need to prepare a weapon and the ammo and that was:

1. U can use an bow or crossbow with an Tranq Arrow for knocking it out

2. U can use an riffle with the ammo of Tranq dart

Or 3. U can just use a slingshot with rock as an ammo

After that you need to prepare a food and the food was berries or you can use kibble, and don't forget the narcotic/biotoxin for keep it unconcious

And you just need to find one

And after you find 1 just knock it out and feed it ( i recommended to hit it on head not on his Shell ) and after that just keep looking the unconcious bar if it reduce feed it with biotoxin or narcotic to keep it unconcious

And after it's tamed, tadaaaa you have an stone collector, this Dino is can used to get much of stone

And i think only that i was want to tell you

And sorry for the bad English cuz i am an indonesian

~Signed your ark fella

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