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*ark mobile Dodo size breeding: day one)

Me, “Aargh, can’t find any stupid dodos! My island is normally loaded with them!!” *searches archipelago until finding two, a male and female.

Me: “Finally!”

*I breed the dodos continuously, but soon I need MORE*

Me: “Ughhhhh!! The island’s even eMpTiEr of dodos than before!! What. The. Heck.”

*finds a million beavers, lystros, and mochops but only finds three dodos.*

Me: “Okay, let’s breed you guys up!”

*breeds successfully a size 1.39 named KFC and more*

Me: “Better keep breeding, but I need a dodo large enough to breed with KFC”

*Absolutley fails*


*few days later, I’ve been thriving (sort of) in my dodo breeding buisness. I step outside my metal mansion with my pet Thera*

Me: “Oh bronto scat...”

*I see the island absolutely LOADED with dodos, it even slightly lags*

Me: “Welp, Wolverine” *I address my thera*

Me: “This is a life lesson. Dodos only show up when you don’t need them.”

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