ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

You would have a better chance of living after getting hit by a freight train than getting bit by a dire bear.
More Direbear Encountering Tips
For everyone complaining that bear traps don’t work on this creature, this bear is much larger than a bear today. As the description reads “Immobilizes humans and SMALL creatures” there is a giant bear trap you can use for bigger creatures. - Apollyon
This is a bear. Why isn’t it able to be bear trapped?!
Hello people of ark I have a short Tip about the DireBear
This thing is a killer if tamed or not tamed
Breed this thing and u can use it in boss fights or in general pvp
A bear can beat a rex if bred good enough
U may want to get ur hands on one of these
Make a 4x2 taming pen with window frames 2 ramps then u lure the bear inside I recommend u use tranq darts arrows will kill it, but if u play prim+ u have no other choise
If u play primitive+ use arrows and when the bear is bloody and still attacking the walls drag a corpse of a Dino or player to it wait 5 seconds after it eats the corpse then shoot it with ur tranqs
If it’s unconscious u put mutton in its inventory since it tames better and same effect as kibble
After its tamed u can get fiber with it as well
Its also verry fast don’t put its lvls into speed only melee stam and hp
I hope u found this helpful if u did make sure to like it so more people notice it
When running from one don't run in a straight line they get faster the longer they run so try to go through a heavily wooded area since it will hit the trees and it will its speed will reset
I like the dire bear in the wild. why? It's because it's not crazy and goes and kills everything in its path(raptors/terrorbirds you pests)just dont go near it.They will be mad but overall it's great.Too bad there are no bees is ark mobile:/
Bear trap might not work but LARGE bear trap does.
This little guy killed my Rex, spino, and bary because they were all on passive. Tip: Don't leave your Dino's on passive in the redwoods.
Very powerful creature will destroy your armor and hunt you down if aggro...if other bears in area they will also attack , they are territorial so keep your distance.
Only large bear traps work I learnt that the hard way