ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Probably the most versatile ground mount. Can kill almost everything, with good saddle and imprint can even kill Alpha Rexes and death worms. Can gather honey, berries, meat, fiber, hide, pelt etc. At full speed can outrun Gallis and Micro raptors. You can shoot while mounted so it's good as taming companion. It also has an insulation effect like Otter and Dimetrodon so you can use it in cold/hot areas or for egg hatching. You can safely gather honey with right click, so if you have one you can tame others with high efficiency without kibble.
More Direbear Utility Tips
Tame 3, paint one brown, one white,β one like a panda, and boom you got icy grizz and panpan
In the new update they can collect double the honey from beehives and the bees don't damage the bear. P's they're also getting a new model
These are insanely fast at top speed
Faster than a giga, strong as a rex, with some levels can get to 1k carry, can gather and eat both berries and meat,can even gather fiber, if you tame a high level one you have a super gathering and combat mount. Unmatched in utility.
Every dino you must have
Anky the living pickaxe (metal, obsidian)
Doedicurus the living axe (stone mostly)
Dire bear the living sickle (fiber, that pretty much it)
Argy the litteral cargo on ark (litterly lots of weight reduction)
Castoroides the ark lumberjack (woods)
Trike the soil master (tatch, berries)
Dire wolf the living tannery (hde, pelt, chitin)
Tyranosaurus rex the ark butcher (meat, prime meat, mutton)
Their level up animation is the cutestπ€
Great tame for starters tryna explore the snow area because it can keep you warm and can defend you pretty well
With the tamed dire bear they can kill alphas (Carnos,raptors) my 123 lvl dire bear was able to kill an alpha raptor lvl 72. They make great companions and their babies are cute
Itsβ liβke a βbβeβar bβut dire β β β β β ββ β β β
Due to it's large aoe bite and low knock back it is ideal for hunting for leech blood in swamps