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Build a 2x2 stone trap with single doorframes surrounding it with ramps/stairs coming down from the top of it, lure it into the trap (use a slingshot to lure it), knock it out (preferably with tranq or anything higher in the engram), if health is too low, kill anything nearby and drag the dead body to the bear to get it’s health back up.

Make sure to prepare your 100+ narcotics and honey pot, mutton (if on Aberration kill all those Ovis mwahahah) or prime meat before and during taming (if you do not have any, use regular meat it’ll just take longer), remember the higher the level the longer and more resources it takes to tame it.

Meanwhile kill every carnivorous creatures around it to ensure its safety. (I usually make cryopod so I don’t have to destroy the structure once it is tamed to cryo the bear to reuse the trap)

Now you have a medium sized tank tamed to get honey or to assist in taming giant queen bees, hope this helps for those who are new at taming, happy taming everyone! \(^o^)/

-Mountain Dew

(Ark: Ultimate Mobile Edition > OC > PVE > Official > Aberration > Ravager)


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