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Taking this sauropod is no joke, but here are some tips to help you out:

1. Knockout taming is a little easier, and faster, however, it requires much more food, and in passive taming, the effectiveness is higher, either is ok, so choose one that works for you, I just prefer passive taming it

2. I highly recommend a trap, knocking it out would be difficult without, and could kill you, if it knocks you off a cliff. In passive, any time it is hit by a wild creature, it resets the taming bar, so a trap is essential, especially the higher level it is.

3. Honestly Mejos work great, but are a lot slower, yet easier to get than kibble. Effectiveness is near perfect with them so don’t worry.

4. If passive taming, you can stand slightly farther back than its back legs, and it will try to hit you and be unable, so it will keep trying to hit, and you can stand there forever, feeding it

5. After the first feed (in passive taming), it needs to wait around 15 to 25 minutes (in my experience) before it eats again. Then it is around 20 seconds, unless its hunger is full, in which case it will let you feed it again when it goes down enough for whatever food you are using.

Hope this was helpful, happy taming!

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