ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Among the weakest of the three tamable titans, well it is the weakest. But shouldn’t be underestimated, so let’s jump in! Spoilers for those who dunno!
Alright so what is the desert titan? To put it simple, a massive, hovering stingray, with 6 fins on its belly, and I would try to describe his face but it’s not describable. :(
Where would you find him? Well you have to summon him. And you have to work for it cause that’s just how it is! I forgot the coordinates, but the spot to get there is easy to find. Look on your map and head to the desert dome, once there look for a metal cliff face. (It has a gaping hole btw so it’s easy to find) and once there you have to go through the entire cave (it’s a one way cave so if your worried of getting lost then… don’t be… idk I’m not your mom you decide.) and just a little warning there are rubble golems in there.
How to beat him? He flys, and pummels you with ranged attacks, get close… he swats you away, or sends his demon spawn after you. So the answer is range, long range (or if you like abusing the game, you can bring your own titan.)
I’ll write more later see ya
More Desert Titan Encountering Tips
This is the story of the many wyvern’s, who died fighting for the good of all.
The titan came out of the corruption from where it came, my faithful wyverns behind me, and me riding Shockwave, my lightning wyvern.
We hit it head on, fighting it with all our might. All was well, until the flocks came. They damaged our tames, and killed a few. It was at about quarter health when Snowy, my first ever ice wyvern, was lost to the flocks of the desert titan. In the end everyone but me was dead, body’s of wyverns strewn across the desert.
Little known fact: the desert titan is the lightest creature in ark weighing only three kilograms.
Immune to Tropical Crystal Wyvern breath attack
Some say when the wind blows ThiccFreedom makes a clickbait thumbnail
I did it!
The battle went way better than I thought! Out of the 13 wyverns, 1 died and the rest are not even scratched. I have just started grinding for the replicator, (which is soul crushing) and preparing for the ice titan.
Your friend, The King of Reapers
P.S, I think I was just lucky.
This will destroy your 3 months of progress
I tamed the Desert titan
It was hard because it took me 10 hours to tame it
Get a quetzal with a platform and build a structure that can hold a giga, toss the cryo glitch the giga easy kill in about 2 minutes solo
a 200 managarm with 10k+ hp and 200+ dmg and just keep lazering it.
ez clap.
Yes. Desert Titan is a desert titan found in a desert that makes people go yes.