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This dangerous titan is one of the most powerfull, I will explain how to eithor kill it, or tame it! As with all of my tips this is obviously what I would and wouldn’t recommend! It’s always up to you! :D now where we’re we… yes! Ok the desert titan is no joke, with its wode variety of attacks this creature should NEVER be underestimated, now what to bring and where to? First you need the items to summon said titan, I know for a fact you need 150 corrupted hearts, and the artifact of chaos, idk tho be sure to verify before making your way there! Next I suggest bringing a friend! (A hover skiff will also be helpful!) Be sure to bring plenty of ammo and long ranged weapons, always attack the titan from above, and avoid its swarms! The titan terminal is located at the very bottom Right of the map! (In the desert dome) I will explain its attacks: Lightning: This attack by itself is deadly. And the very reason why you should never under any circumstances go underneath it, as it will call lightning from the sky and murder you! It’s next attack is simple: Bite: This attack has short range, just steer clear of its mouth and face! And it’s finnaly attack and most dangerous: Swarms, These creatures are only summoned by the titan, they are quite agile, and are extremely dangerous, including the fact they can never be killed (at least that I know of) The only way to avoid this attack is simply run until it loses aggro witch it will then target regular creatures, leading to an ineffective swarm! Now that it’s attacks are out of the way, I’ll begin with taming this terrifying majestic creature, For this bring hover skiffs, the more the better, every once and a while one will be destroyed, so be sure to have a few extra! And LOTS of ammunition and spare rifles, Now that your ready to tame this titan, simply fly above it, and keep a lookout for swarms! Now that your above it shoot the corrupted element on the titan, eventually it will tame! To kill this creature, repeat the first 3 steps for taming and except shooting the corruption, shoot the crud out of the titan, who will eventualy give out, and give you what’s rightfully yours, it’s head! I hope this helps! :D gl

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