ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Encountering Tips

How do I kill a corrupted master controller? corrupted master controller battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Basically Rockwell but decapitated and has a helmet
No one has bothered to explain HOW the boss fight goes. Here goes:
Getting there: to have the honour of facing this boss you need to complete a certain number of missions and their associated difficulty versions, accessed via HLNA. As a rule of thumb; to do gamma you need to complete all gamma level missions and for beta you need to complete all of the beta level ones (understood?). You can access the teleport menu from HLNA. You will then be teleported- with all your tames and friends- to the arena after a set amount of time.
The battle is the first of the ‘structured’ boss fights in which you and your peers have to complete several stages. Each stage for this fight will be talked through in detail.
Stage 1- upon entering the arena you will have a few seconds grace, whilst the head goes through its voice lines, and then you’ll be attacked by Corrupted Avatars- they posses better stats than their human originals and they can yield melee weaponry and TEK rifles- as well as Corrupted Raptors and Trikes. The objective is simple; kill the corrupted avatars and creatures and collect the data fragments that they drop. After you collect the designated amount you, or a friend, need to access the console at the furthest edge of the stage area. You will then be promptly teleported to Stage 2.
Stage 2- much like stage 1, with a slightly different lay out, you will have a brief grace as he says stuff and HLNA rebukes him. This time, the avatars will be accompanied by Stegos as well as Trikes and Raptors but apart from that the means to advance the stage remain the same, kill them and use their data fragment’s to advance to Stage 3.
Stage 3- follows the exact same rules as the previous stages, with the exception that Corrupted Rexs are starting to appear. Gather data keys and move onto the Final Stage.
Final Stage- This is where the fight reaches its most intense phase and also sees the Controller enter the battle. The stage is set at the Controller’s base and features three terminals, each will need to be deactivated as the stage progresses. The aim is to kill the Controller, made harder by the fact that he has shields that need to be deactivated in order to do so. As before you will need to collect data fragments to deactivate his shields at one of the three terminals, this will be difficult as he will summon great numbers of Corrupted creatures and Avatars- with the Corrupted Giga and Reaper making their way into the battle. To top it all off, the Controller will also be periodically spraying the arena with disabusing laser fire, the lasers have the same effect as a Cnidaria sting, that renders players and tames vulnerable to the corrupted hordes. The battle ends when the Controller hits zero health.
That’s it. Enjoy the cutscene!
We need MORE INFO DODOEX! All the pages except tips is empty!
Their is a bug in the game where this boss is unable to receive damage from tek rifles... And you'll lose via time running out or by other means.
You can solo it,bring 19 rexes and a yuty. Rex 50-60k health and 800 meele should work. Bring more armor sets, a good weapon and med brews. Should work fine
In order to defeat the Master controller ( rockwell ) kill the human like things called avatars so they will drop code keys and bring them to the code breaker and when you have the perfect amount you will telaport to the next little island. Do this untill you get to the controller and do the same thing untill he able to be damaged.
In alpha phase, you must clearly use level rex type dino over 350 with full tek pick up the keys and if you are not solo, be several in tek tier to fight it, you will have a great chance to win if you organize well.
The shortend version is bill nye you're gonna die
It's Rockwell and he is the boss of genisis part 2
You can find a way weaker version of this boss in the Star Dolphin mission in Genesis 2 so you can see *some* of its attacks before doing the real boss.
this world is only an illusion. A simulation. And he is going to end it.
So I found that tame a male x Rex level 150 and a female level 150 then breed and get it to 100k health and then pump damage bring a shotgun a yuty 500 shotgun shells for gamma and have a bunch of speed I had a Rex that did 20k per hit
Computer thanos
Incredibly hard ,need acendent riot and asendent wepons 500damge+
Attacks: Laser beams, and can summon corrupted Dino Tars and corrupted avatars (high levels!!)
To fight this boss, there are 2 ways, and here there are: First army: A lot of tek rexes, a couple yuties, and a lot of daeodons. Second army: a lot of tek/ or normal gigas, a couple yuties, and a lot of daeodons. Good luck!!
You have to beat some mission and pray that you beat him you can’t escape once you enter only DEATH can lead to your escape all I will say is bring tek and VERY high level Dino’s
This boss is kinda like the rockwell boss but is WAAAY longer
The ARK Empire is preparing for this fight on Christmas! We are using the following-
13 X-Rexes+Blueprinted saddles
1 Therizino for code key running
2 Mate-boosted X-Yutyrannus
4 Reaper Kings
Check out the channel on YouTube @Alpha Ackbar
This is the hardest boss in the entire game, even on gamma he makes the alpha overseer look like a chump, if you somehow manage to beat him. All your tamed Dino’s that you bring will teleport back to wear you originally teleported from, don’t use rhinos to charge him since he floats in the air, and you only have a mere 15 minutes to kill him
If you “kill” him while riding a mount then you will be teleported back to where came from and won’t ascend