So, I had 6 compys during my adventure on The Island.

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So, I had 6 compys during my adventure on The Island. All of them were Ivispur I, II, III, IV and continuing.

Well, all of them hace a story.

Ivispur I- He was a loyal compy who was always on my shoulder on the starts of our adventure, I always rid my Pteranodon or my Gallimimus in search for materials or adventures. Always with my Compy on my shoulder, later on, I found a Raptor who I decided to Tame, once I knocked him out, his Friends and an Alpha came for me. It's obvius that I died there, but my Compy made some time for me to put my Gallimimus on Passive(Flee) and he survived, I named that nameleds Gallimimus Yvispurr honoring the Brave compy. Yvispurr is still Alive on my base.

Ivispur II- The one and only Ivispur II. A Brave compy who killed tons of ants and dodos. Always on my shoulder when I was a little more advanced. He had a carpet for resting on our little Wood House, situated on the South Zone of the Island. One day, I decided to go to the Swamp near the zone to get some new tames and este flowers when suddenly a Sarco killed Tamo(Parasaur), our ride WhoI decided to Take on our adventure because I wanted him to scan the zone. Sadly, he couldn't scan that crocodile Who killed him. I and Ivispur II ran as fast as we could, but when I finally escapes... My armor was Broken and I Lost Ivispur II. I never Saw him again. Well, I'd say that if It was't because I found him while taming some Phiomias! He's the only and real Ivispur because he's the one Alive at my base nowadays.

Ivispur III, IV and V- III was on my shoulder night and day, and the other two also followers me like a loyal Hyaenodon. Sadly, one day I explored a new place where I found a Titanosaur. I was so naive, who'd knew his stomp would kill all two of my compys Who were on agressive. Third decided to stay with me, but we couldn't run more and the Titan Stomp finally finished us.

Ivispur VI- The other one! He was the child of II and IV, that's why he's VI, even being older than V. He was with his father II at home, with me being devastated because that Titano broke my precious rare iron armor that I were awarded with when I killed the fierce Alpha Raptor who ended with me and Ivispur I. VI was very clumsy and introverted, didn't fight anyone and just smiled on my shoulder. Only god would knew that a out of nowhere coming Ichhtyornis would take him away from me and tried to bite him to Death. Well, his chomp was clearly not fast and strong enough to kill Ivispur VI with his Life maxed out with his 89 lvls. Before he finished with my Compy, I put a Sniper Bullet on his forehead. Sadly, Ivispur VI would die because of another stomp of that Titano that killed his mother and brothers.

And now, with an army of Argentavis and a Quetzal Platform with Turrets, I and Ivispur II, are going to avenge our fallen brothers.

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