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At first glance, they seem harmless, until you attack them. You better run, because millions of them will form together into a form that is stronger than titanosaurs. In order to tame one of these, it's somewhat similar to taming a titan. I'd recommend using a quetzal with a platform saddle. First, use Gigas or lots of rexes to lower it's heal to below 50%. After this, it's attacks will be a lot more dangerous and faster, however you can shoot it with Canon balls. This is what the quetzal is for. Put canons on there and start blasting. Depending on the level it will take varying amounts of Canon balls, but bring at least 100. Once you have knocked it out, you will need a TON of extraordinary kibble. Oh, and if you thought a giga's torpor dropped fast, you'll be surprised to see this fish's torpor drain. Bring a TON of biotoxin, and make sure you have no life, but since we're playing ark that's pretty easy. You'll wanna watch it because of the torpor, but it also takes a long time to tame. Don't worry about things attacking it while it's knocked, however. After this you will be the alpha of your server if you manage to tame one of these. While they don't have saddles, they take a 85% damage reduction from all attacks. Use it's main attack for an insanely powerful bite attack, while it's second attack shoots a water beam that makes wyverns look like dodo's.

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