ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

saw one about half the size of my sarco, the size range of these things are insane
More Coelacanth Encountering Tips
I tried defending my base from this thing with my boss army, but they got 1shot and then it ate all my other tames and destroyed my base. If you see this near your base, itβs already too late.
Strongest crature of ark. Giganotosaurs and t rexes are extinct because they were weak. This thing is alive still.
Coelacanths take up spawn points for other river-swelling creatures, so if you are having trouble finding otters and spinosaurs, kill some fish.
Guys in abb I just found a 3.5 size coelacanth. I thought it was a meg
Coelacanth the water type pokemon, known for it's small size and outstanding power this pokemon can destroy any creature in its path by launching like a torpedo and exploding on contact, considered to be a WMD by the Canadian and US military
this beast killed both my Rexs (lvl 170) & (lvl 130) be aware β οΈ
Help I found a size 9.1 bigger than my Meg
Killed my trex level 319. I tried to get revenge with my 2 gigas but they 1 shot them. They seem to have stronger attack then the king titan. Watch out, they come in packs.
I love how this can have different sizes
if u see this fearsome creature run! get as far away from the water as possible and donβt ever go back. if u are forced to fight it u will lose unless u have multiple max leveled GIGAs