ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I have seen so many peeps say “it throws poop at you not dirt” WRONG why you ask because if you find one of these in the snow they throw snow at you they pick up dirt in every other biome besides the artic area because they will throw snow there. I have solved this debate that seemed to ruin many people it’s dirt they throw not poop test it yourself find one of these dudes in the artic and make it angry it will throw snow not poop
More Chalicotherium Encountering Tips
To those saying Chalico’s produce beer in its inventory, it doesn’t. It’s tamed with beer, and doesn’t produce it. Don’t let these people fool you.
These guys are NOT passive if you are a low level stay away from these guys they will kill you easily
How it survive in wild tho, is there beer trees no one has told me about
One of these guys just killed my Para.
Can I get a RIP for Goldie?
I just went up to one of these things to admire it, then it punched me. I ran away, then looked back for a sec. Do you know what it did? It scooped a massive lump of crap from the ground and chucked it at me, and then the game said I was poisoned. WHAAAAAAAAT??!!!
Dude... I thought these were passive. Avoid until you know what you’re doing. I got killed easily and I’m scared to get my stuff back.
I was just chopping down trees and harvesting some bushes until this mf attacked my dodo which it regretted while getting itself eaten by my pelagornis, sarcoo, and pachy bro deserved it ngl
I saw one of these when I was first playing ark and then I went up to it and it starting throwing dirt at me and blinding me so if your a newby and are a low level stay away from it!
These tanks are found on beaches and cold biomes up this if you found it usefull