ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Run through bushes while using it's third attack to gather tons of berries.
More Chalicotherium Taming & KO Tips
To those of you who wanna tame these suckers with stimberries, DO NOT DO THIS! On official servers the get only 0.1% per feed so recommended to NOT try stimberries or at least until you have some soothing balm. Upboot if you found this helpful
You can feed it stimberries to.
To tame this creature you have to passively tame it, the best way of doing this is to put on a full set of ghillie as that supply's stealth, then you Aproach it from behind crouching and Feed it a beer!
Are tired of getting killed and getting blinded by chalicotherium?
Today i have some few tips for u guys, first of lets prepare the food ur gonna need from most effective to least effective:
Beer, im not pulling ur leg off, this creature ONLY loves beer, chalicotherium usually found on cold biomes or around tame this ur gonna need a beer barrel which can be learn at level 36.
U can make beer liquid with thach and 50 berries
In the beer barrel, put the thach and berries in there and wait for a an hour to make one beer liquid.
U can make beer jar by putting water jar in the beer barrel and it will make a beer jar. I reccomend make 10 or 15 beer jar just incase, now to tame this ur gonna need 5 stone dinosaur gate way with door on it. Now lure the chalicotherium to the dino gate way and then close the door before the chalicotherium escape and feed the chali until its tamed, now this tip more cheaper than the previous one, ur gonna need 4 wooden foundations, 8 wooden walls and 2 wooden ramps, if the chali is mad u can reset its aggresion by quit to the main menu and rejoin back, the last tip i want u to use ghillie set ghillie set makes u invicible and hard to spot follow the chali from its back and crouch, and keep feeding it until its tamed.
Now for bonus info...chalicotherium saddle can be learn at level 42, the primary attack is bite attack the secondary attack is claw attack and the third attack is throwing giant stone, they can throw stone at long range if u aim down,
Thats i got for the tips, and have ur selfs a very good day.
Get this drunk so it loves u than take it back to ur base... π
Dear Noobs,
I used to haaaaaate the Chalicotherium however after having a good night with it at the bar he became one of my favorite tames, I highly suggest you to tame this.
Give it beer in your last hotbar slot to tame
Yes beer
Your Instructor, The Noob Informer
New drinking game: Every time you feed it a beer, you have to take a drink. Once it's tamed, it'll follow you while you wander around the map lost. It'll be a blast!
Itβs a chalicoholic, haha
Yea...that's not a rock.
I saw someoneβs comment say βBeer tree,β like so they know that you get beer from barrels