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chapter 9: dawn clouds

- although, why are these dinos so desperate?- asked rosa.

-well, the swamps are dangerous locals, the titanoboas's bites can Increase your torpor and you get unconsious, sarcos are strong too, kapro can carry small creatures such as humans In their mouths...- said curry. -but again, no worries!-

- eh... ok!- said rosa.

-hey, look, the sky is becoming dark blue...- said greystar

- yup, that's a sign that is dawning.- said curry. -so can you see the tapejaras silhouettes?-

-yes- said greystar.

-the sun will rise, finally, what a hard night!- said rainwater

- hah! I had even worse nights on my life!- said curry

At futuristicus's. Cave...

-they re coming, prepare...- said futuristicus. -ATTACK!-

they fought against the weaker raptor pack, while no one was seeing, one of the raptors steal 1 egg.

-THEY STOLE DA EGG!- said WarScreech, one of the members of futuristicus's pack.

WarScreech ran in the direction of the thief.

Next chapter soon. Fast warning: i will re-create the giant sky raptor stories as comics in Wattpad. I still did not posted the comics but i will!

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