I have a fully imprinted carnotaurus named Tucker and we…

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I have a fully imprinted carnotaurus named Tucker and we do weekly artifact runs we mostly go to the artifact of the clever and hunter he's so op he's stronger than my rex and spino he literally kills allos and rexes an spinos, he's even more powerful than an alpha carno I kid you not he killed an alpha carno. He was my first ever baby carno and my strongest and I have even started a carno gang of 6 carnos it consistent of Tucker his parents his sister and 2 kids dont ask who I mad him mate with for the kids. And one of the kids is also fully imprinted and Tucker's sister Sophiav2 is 97% imprinted. She's v2 because one day I logged into a unofficial pve server and my carno Sophia was born with 2 brothers btw. and Sophia had died because some one else took her him out and had got her killed I will forever hate them and will never forgive them for that and yeah that's their story.

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