ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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JUST TAMED MY FIRST ONE! THIS THING DROVE ME TO INSANITY! But I finally did it. Trap it and drag dead bodies over to it. Sacrificial tames work, a high lvl blood wyv filled up almost his whole bar. If he doesn’t eat drop the body and leave render distance then come back. Then the little taming icon will go green and you can mount it and start killing things to fill taming bar, this part was easy, plenty of time. But I was on 8x rates cause of the extra life event,
lol. I have a stupid friend, so he bred up this pretty tanky bronto and I’m not gonna lie it was pretty good. Had 25k health and did about 600 per hit. And there was this wild giga that bothered us by being WAY too close to our base annd we were nowhere near ready to tame it. and he thought, “Hey! I can kill the giga with my bronto!” (Yes he is still kinda a noob and doesn’t really understand ark logic) so as I was just freakin cackling my ass off he goes to the giga and yes, he gets the giga a bit bloody but both him and his bronto die after like 4 mins. I still tease him about it to this day. One up = one prayer for my dumb friend XD ( if u read to the end get a cookie you deserve it :)
It was a long day. We had never seen one before, and it looked like the stepbrother of a giga(named kyle), so we tried to knock it out like a giga. Little did we know we were waiting “hours” for it to get back up. As you can tell, they are sort of a passive tame, and we found out you had to feed it corpses.
Many sleeping bags and raptor corpses later we got it’s trust meter up and started rampaging. Except one thing…We was in a ravine and there were no dinos around. The taming effectiveness was going down and we had no time.
“There’s no other choice, I have to sacrifice myself” we turned around to see our bronto with tears of love in his eyes. Offer himself up to the ole mighty carchar. It was a brutal sight to see, but out bronto’s sacrifice did not go out in vain!! For behold, You have tamed the CARCHARODONTOSAURUS!!!
R.I.P. Betty the Brontosaurus
Journey Through All Creatures:
Chapter 6: The Carcha Incident
Story starts in Achantina, The Island ABC order, and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Brontosaurus, next chapter in Ceratosaurus
Sodden was walking out the back door of his base, with a saddle in his hands. He saw his new pteranodon right in front of him. Sodden had gone killing turtles for a pteranodon saddle, and he put the saddle on. He had a ton of arrows in his bag, so much it was hard for him to run with it. He had meat and water jars in his bag, which was weighing him down. “I hope they’ll let me use one of their creatures,” he said, as he climbed onto his pteranodon and took off. He flew towards the nearest mountain, Far’s Peak. Sodden directed his pteranodon to the back of the mountain, going down to the shore leading to Dead Island. He set his pteranodon down near the base of the mountain, then Sodden started hiking up the slopes. “I think I saw a Carcha here a few days ago.” he thought to himself. He rose from the side of the mountain, approaching the top, when he gasped. “The Carcha should be around here… oh, no.” Sodden said. He saw tall walls, and behind them was a very tall castle, stretching to the top of the Ark. He had wandered into C Tribe’s territory. He snuck to the back of the walls, and ran to the top of the mountain, only to see a small group of survivors at the top. One of them turned and saw Sodden. “Oh… look who it is. You’re the one going for all creatures, right?’ The person said. “Uh… yeah. I was up here for a Carcha.” Sodden said. “Well, it’s just over the peak of this mountain. But this place isn’t very safe. C Tribe’s base is right here.” The person said. “Are you with them?” Sodden said. The person laughed. “Oh, don’t worry. We aren’t with them. It wouldn’t be safe for me to ally with you if I was. Speaking of ally, I hear someone from the tribe is with you.” The person said. “Uh, yeah. She’s been taken over by the C tribe. She’s one of the leaders.” Sodden said. “Serenity! Oh, my god. She’s lucky to be with you. I heard Terad found out her memories were back, but only suspected she was with you only to help you kill all the creatures.” The person exclaimed. “Yeah. I heard that. Did you know her before she got captured?” Sodden said. “Yes. She was with us. Until C Tribe took her away. I heard that you’re… well, you know.” The person said. “Wow. Uh… what’s your name?” Sodden asked. “The name’s Rod. These are my buddies, Nesan and Dundo.” The person replied. Sodden turned to the others. “Hi, guys. Nice to meet you.’ Sodden said. “Yeah. You too. You said you wanted the Carcha down?” Nesan asked. “Yes. You have anything for me?” Sodden replied. “Not much. The dude’s related to Death, so we’d need some strong tames.” Rod said. Sodden looked over the peak and gasped in shock. “Uh… guys? Where’s the Carcha?” Sodden asked. “What you mean? It’s right… oh, god.” Dundo said as he walked to Sodden and looked over the edge to see nothing. “What? The Carcha was right there!” Rod yelled. Then Sodden got a red blare on his implant, and a message saying, “You have entered a dangerous area!” “Oh, god. That means the Carcha is very close. It must have moved.” Nesan said. Sodden ran around the place, looking for the Carcha, until he saw it stomping around the walls of C tribe’s base. “What? Oh, god. He’d better not destroy the walls.” Sodden said. He took out a crossbow, but the Carcha already started tearing down the walls. “Hey! There’s a easier meal for you up here!” Sodden yelled as he waved his hands in the air. The Carcha looked back and saw Sodden waving his hands. “Hey! Come over here.” He yelled. He shot the Carcha once but the Carcha didn’t even move. He kept biting the walls. Then suddenly, they heard a loud BLARE!
The tribe leaders sat in the main meeting room at the front entrance, and Terad was in front of them. “A wild Carcha is attacking my base! Why were there no turrets?” Terad said. Everyone shrugged. “Someone was supposed to install turrets! That’s it. All of you, do not move. I’ll handle this.” Terad sneered. He stormed out of the front entrance then threw a cryopod at the ground, and a Giga came out. It looked down at Terad. “We need to handle that Carcha now.” Terad said. He climbed onto the Giga and walked towards the back of the base, then saw the Carcha feasting on a dino corpse. “Yeah. Come with me, and I’ll get you. I got more… oh, god.” The person said as he dropped the second corpse. There was a pile of corpses next to him. Terad made a angry face. “You stupid… did you lead the guy to my base?” He growled as he stormed to Sodden slowly. “What… of course not. He wandered here himself! If I had done it, the turrets would’ve dealt with me in seconds.” Sodden said. Terad didn’t respond. He was still upset. “Just get the Carcha out of my base.” Terad growled. Sodden ran in the opposite direction, luring the Carcha down. Then someone ran to the Giga. He tapped the Giga on the leg. “Uh… sir, there’s another Carcha on our premises. A tamed one this time. It’s not part of our tribe.” The person said. Terad didn’t respond. He froze for seconds, then walked around the castle. He got to the base of the mountain, and saw a Carcha army walking to the base. “What? Who is this!?” Terad screamed.
Sodden had the Carcha off the base of the mountain after 10 minutes. He left the remaining meat besides the Carcha and was about to start walking back to base when someone tapped him on the shoulder. “Sodden… something’s wrong.” The person said. Sodden turned and saw Serenity standing there. “What? What’s going on?” Sodden said. “There’s a unknown tribe attacking our base.” Serenity said. “What!?” Sodden yelled in shock. “We don’t know why. But they are, and clearly, they hate the leaders of our tribe.” Serenity said. He looked behind Sodden to see a Carcharodontosaurus eating the pile of meat. “Actually… I might need this guy. I’m not letting that tribe hurt the C tribe. There are people that don’t have freedom and want to be freed from the tribe. I won’t let that army hurt these people.” Sodden said. He saw the trust bar on the Carcha was full. “I’ll be right back.” Sodden saiid. “Wait. These are 100% imprinted, really high level Carchas. That guy could get destroyed.” Serenity said. Sodden stopped and turned. “Well, then I’ll just have to stall them until someone comes to stop the army.” He replied. He then ran to the Carcha and climbed onto its back. Serenity walked to him and held out a saddle. “Take the saddle. You’ll need it.” She said. Sodden nodded then picked up the saddle. Then he led the Carcha to a large group of creatures. As it vanished into the forest, Serenity ran back to her base.
Terad had his Giga knocking down the Carchas, one by one. The Carchas tried to take a bite of the Giga, but they kept falling, their head hitting the ground in seconds. Blood was splattered all over the ground, and the army shrunk with each death. Then suddenly, something jerked the Giga in the butt, making it screech and knocked Terad off. He got up, and saw a Carcha standing above him. “I’ll handle this.” Sodden said from the back. He yelled and waved his arms to get the Carcha army’s attention. They screeched and ran for him. Terad got back onto his Giga and ran to hitt the Carchas. “Keep coming! Get away from the base!” Sodden yelled. Terad smiled. He felt happy that Sodden was actually doing something nice. “Maybe he isn’t so bad after all.” Terad said. The Carchas screeched then ran in the other direction, towards the trees. The Giga stopped and so did Sodden’s Carcha. Sodden hopped off, walked to Terad, and said, “Good job, dude.” Sodden said. “No. Good job to you. You protected our base.” Terad said as he hopped off the Giga. He held out his hand to Sodden. “You’ve earned my trust. Don’t break it.” Terad said. Sodden nodded then shook his hand. Then a group of people came out of the base and cheered in excitement. Sodden then walked with his Carcha back down the hills, towards the ocean. Serenity walked up to Terad. “So… what creature is next?” Terad said. Sodden got on his Carcha then ate a nearby Carno. “I’m going to the beaver lake now. Meet me at the hunting area next week for the Cerato.” Sodden said. Terad nodded. Sodden ran off into the forest with his Carcha.
Rod sat on the top of the mountain, with his buddies. “Rod… what the heck?” Nesan said. “C Tribe was warned not to break our trust. Now they will pay.” Rod sneered. Then something hung over the group, growling. “Oh, no.” Dundo said.
“Rod was killed by a Giganotosaurus (Level 140!)”
“Dundo was killed by a Giganotosaurus (Level 140!)”
“Nesan was killed by a Giganotosaurus (Level 140!)”
Is Rod up to something??
Chapter 7 soon…
At last, ive tamed one. Holiday colours, all bright and green. The first rex corpse i tried to feed was viciously eaten by a vulture. The second wasnt (thankfully), and after its trust was max, we were next to an ocean. So where do i go? The ocean. I bite once and every tiny little fish is gone, and i have a new tame. Giggling