ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Don't let oviraptors pick up fert frog eggs. They will eat frog eggs first asap no matter the food in the inventory.
More Beelzebufo Everything Else Tips
Who else thinks they should reduce the weight of cementing paste
I sent this little boy to wander around and eat bugs so I can get cementing paste in Ark Mobile, and now I can’t even find him, please add a tamed creature tracking feature in Ark.
If you search up frog or toad then this guy will pop up
Are those not affected by the weight till not envumbered? Cus it was still so fast when it was heavy
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use beelzebufo saliva as a more potent version of narcoberries to make narcotics?
If you ever need cementing paste kill a couple meganeuras on one and harvest them on your frog. Or go to a beaver den
Is there a Shampoo Cave in the Center
I think that they should re add the frog boss in ark mobile. And make it a hard fight in the main game. basically the frog boss does little damage but does extremely high torpore damage. (Almost 200)And he doesn’t really do the damage. He summons frogs to attack for him. And he hops around the Arena. If the boss hoppes on you a bleed affect happens and you have to ether die or hope that the boss moves.
When he dies he gives a frog crown,frog legs. The frog crown takes 20 cementing paste to charge and would summon temperary frog allies to fight by your side. (The higher level you are the higher level the frogs are). And the frog legs would be really cool to show off and would be one of the best food sources(there is not a cooked variety of it) when you eat it your food, health, water, (and also torpore) will go up rapidly.
That’s all for now
Cemenizer just sounds kinda wrong…I LOVE IT
For anyone that finds this name hard to pronounce, it’s pronounced “bee-elza-boofo”