ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Use a bloodstalker and a rocket launcher, jump around to its face and shoot it with rockets until it knocks out. Jump off the stalker and land on the whale to quickly feed it.
Cool battle scenario
Setting: plains/hills, enemy base, raid mission
Creature 1: space whale (saddle, fully mounted with 4 people, several tek bombs ready, at least 2)
Creature 2: Yuty (mounted by human, able to scare away enemy dinos and buff allied ones, at least 1)
Creature 3: allo (mounted by humans, charging at base defenders, at least 4)
Creature 4: wyvern (mounted by human, escorting space whales, maybe carrying dodo bomb, at least 2)
Scenario: yuty roars, buffing the charging allos and scaring enemy dinos, allos charge and start taking out defenses. Space whales and wyverns arrive, and birds are sent to counter them and turrets start firing. The wyverns and tek turrets on space whales take out the enemy fliers. Other tek turrets take out enemies and turrets below. The space whales are now directly over the base, and drop their tek bombs. The allos have successfully taken out most ground defense and the base has been wiped out.
I have an ideia, involving rare flower, a rock bridge and 2 behemoth gates, wish me luck
This thing is the ultimate warship. Its saddle has three gun turrets that consume element when shooting. It has a bomber mode that drops a cluster of bombs below it, consuming ambergris as the ammo. It can pretty much warp you and your nearby allies instantly. Plus it has a platform where you can build structures, similar to the platform saddles we’ve seen on Quetzals, Paracers, etc. The platform space is really small, but definitely workable.
dont get this mixed up with the astrodelphis
Do not use rockets you lose over 50% taming effectiveness. Use a skiff and cannons
The best way is to use the Tek skiff which you unlock after the boss fight(like the saddle) and have cannons mounted on it. Probably easier with multiple people
Don't use mek because the astrocetus takes first the torpor and then the damage. The effectiveness will go down.
We tamed a 130 with mek and Kibble and get a 136 -.-
I think the stronger the weapon the more you loose the effectiveness, so the "best" way is to knock out with rocket launcher.
It's the same effect with rock elementals.
Wildcard should repair that.
It’s a flying titanosaur... that teleports?!?? It doesn’t die in a day tho
I used a ufo with a canon didn't take long to knock out and was able to do solo
Taming with a mek makes it loose roughly 40% efficiency, if you have got a skiff its better to use that
Use a mek with canon to tame, 1 rocket to take down any lvl.
Very op in pvp as it can mesh across walls and annihilate TEK, however it is 100% useless in pve as of now, it is too slow and doesn’t have as much weight as a gasbag or a basilisk.
It could have use in pve if it was actually able to produce ambergris, as ambergris comes from whales in the lore, that would make magmasaurus breeding possible across your favorite ARKs.
Producing ambergris passively has to be implemented to give use to this creature in pve...
They also wonder around on their own, not sure it’s a BUG or if it’s intended, so leach or pod it.
You can actually knock it out with a Mek Cannon if you do not have the Tek skiff.
Obtain a Tek replicator from tier 3 crates in the shop, and craft the Mek from the engram
Singleplayer taming is so hard. I had nobody to aim the cannon, and I'm currently waiting for the astercetus to wake up. I struggled so hard. He's a blue level 8. LEVEL 8. Dododex says there's a 93% chance of death for the cannon for a level 8.. Pretty lucky, eh? Singleplayer taming is.. Hard. Not impossible, though. I managed!
Aggressive if you get too close! Watch out!
Mek cannon one shot KOs any level.