ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I have lost a lot of tames to packs of wild armadogos. I dont think any of them are a good boy anymore. They act similar to morilotops. Only attack when in groups but once in groups they act like the defence units killing lots of creatures....or at least trying to.
More Armadoggo Taming & KO Tips
Drop prime meat on the floor and while it eats it click pet.
For some reason the taming effectiveness drops a lot on the official servers even with kibble - figured I’d mention that. If anyone was wondering just know you weren’t the only one. It does reflect that effectiveness drops on the taming calculator though… so there’s that.
While it eats grab pet it then quickly grab the food if your fast enough you cause it to ignore the digging stage and can just drop food again and it should go right into eating again and rinse repeat until tamed!
1. Drop one cooked meat on the ground.
2. Doggo will come and sniff the food. Stay on the side of doggo
3. Doggo will lower his head and eat the food. Now you have a short time to pet it. (E on Pc)
4. Doggo will walk away an come back for step one - Repeat
If you drop two times one meat the doggo will stay and you can tame him faster skipping the walking away.
Do not approach with any tames - it will immediately aggro so no tame for you without leaving render.
The way you take this dog is you drop meat on the ground and he will start eating it, while he’s doing that walk up to him and pet him. He will dig and pop up somewhere else, just rinse and repeat that until he’s tamed
The tips here keep saying you cannot have tames near by or wild doggos will agro but that is not entirely true. The wild doggos will agro a few tames including a companion Doggo but it will not agro flyers like a tamed Snow Owl.
The guy that says the effectiveness is due to how many times you initiate its feeding is incorrect. You can put multiple pieces of food down. Once it eats once it will burrow into the ground if you do not pet it repeating the process all over.
Drop food like raw meat or kibble on the ground near it and when it starts to sniff the food go up to it and pet it. Haven’t got the chance to actually play it but from what I’ve seen if it doesn’t tame on the first try it will walk or dig away and you have to go to it. Repeat the process until tamed.
Use 1 foundation with a railing on two sides and 4 quarter walls finishing the other two sides to make a box. Drop doggo in there, split up your prime meat or choice of taming food and toss into the box with the doggo. Stand next to doggo on railing side and click pet. It will not dig or run away if you have food on the ground for it to sniff. You can pick the doggo with an argy.