ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

A tamed argentavis with a saddle is a portable smithy
More Argentavis Utility Tips
the weight of metal is half on an argy
They take half weight for crystal,metal,and obsidian.
Arguably the most necessary mount for single player
Resource Carrier
Since it has a 50% weight reduction on metal, metal ingots, crystals, obsidian, and stone, it is really great for carrying resources! Itβs weight alone is a lot, meaning it could hold lots of stuff!
Player Killer
Due to the ability to hold most creatures, picking up humans in a PVP area and dropping them is real funny and helps you gain loot
It can kill something while carrying it, making it really good for hunting! Itβs speed allows it to not get hit, and itβs damage is high!
Dinosaur Transporter
Itβs ability to carry most dinos, as I said before, is important for transporting tamed dinos to other places! Upgrade Stamina and sometimes Weight.
If you donβt have one, get one NOW. They are pretty easy to tame, and are great for transport and carrying things, whether itβs resources or creatures. Find them around mountains or in the snow. Pretty easy KO with tranq darts. The only problem is that theyβre kind of slow! Thanks for reading!
This is very useful since it carries helpful dinosaurs like an anklo
Argy's are a great tame to get, if you get a saddle from a drop at a low level, immediatly get yourself an argy, it has an INSANE amount of uses which I will list:
1.You can use it to harvest organic poly (use sword or club to kill penguins, transfer poly to argy, has less weight reduction than pela, but has more total weight than pela)
2(ARK mobile only). These guys(along with quetzals) are the only real way to transport dinos. Chronicling them costs essence (expensive) and there's no crypods. Tape and Pter can carry very small dinos only.
3. Metal gathering. These boyos have a reduction on ingots and straight up metal, and you can use it to carry an anky(which harvests and has more weight reduction for pure metal)
4. Combat. Due to their ability to pick up dinos, you can pick up high level dinos and carry them to a turret area (pvp) and players(more dangerous bc shotgun, must i say more? They can also attack the dino they are carrying, which lets you farm something like parasaurs easier. They can also be used to airdrop certain dinos *coughs in level 500 arthropluera* onto enemy bases or tanky dinos into turrets *coughs in lvl 300 carbenomys*
5. Taming. As mentioned in the combat section, they're able to carry dinos, which lets you pick up high level dinos*coughs in max lvl wild arthropluera(i like arthros, can you tell?)* And take them to a safer place(for you safari tamers) or a pen to ko them and tame them
-Your local ARK Mobile player, H12
These are great for taming small Dinosaur because you can hold it above while your team fires tranq and you can also go gather prime with it
Mine wonβt breed, I got male and female gave female pheromone and they wonβt breed. Up if their breedable down if no. I rlly need help!
I agree with them having a tek saddle but not only having a smithy they have a fabricator too