ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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HI PD!!! ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!! I haven’t seen your post in haze yet because of how slow the dyes are to update. But the creatures are so much faster, especially with the website. I’m doing pretty good!!! Just trying to make my way through my chapters, catching up on reading all the new stories (slowly, painfully slow.), submitting creatures to the Ark submissions forum with Wyvernian, Moon and others, and playing games!!! And I think you were in here this last October with little rabbit boy, but it has felt way longer!!! ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK!!! Sunny has been on leave though, but from what I heard from her on the fandom. She’s doing well, just busy. MGG has been lurking so idk how he’s doing but he’s recently released some new chapters. I’m so happy to see your back!! How have you been doing? And if you have been reading my stories, thanks!! If not that’s fine too!!
Until Next Time!!
Waves at yall!!
Hi!! It’s me, guess who! Pearled-freaking-DRAGON!!!! I’m here alive and well, and i was just checking up on y’all :3
How you been, how’s MrGhost, Sunnyfox and allat?? I HOPE YALL BEEEN WELL!!!! HONESTLY, it’s been so long. I’m here and watxhing all YALLS stories, and there so good. Keep up the good work!!
- Yyyoouurrsss sincerely, PearledDragon
To: Bob the Survivor, PrimalApex, Duke, DiploLover24
Bob the Survivor, Chapter 3 of DD-2 was very cool.
PrimalApex, I am reading Chapter 23 of Ultimus now!
Duke, Chapter 3 of FAF was very awesome. The glowing baryonyx is very intriguing and I’m wondering what its ties to Jasper are, it really got the wraps on the others. I will be around for Chapter 4.
DiploLover, the past 3-4 chapters of CON were very interesting! We are glad to see that Astra didn’t move on to Prince within just a few days of Apollo’s death, and it just made their little moments of living together just a bit more special. As for the mystery, time-traveling wolf, I have a feeling that it’s Ridley. He’s one of the only tan wolves in the story, and the only reason why he’d help the prophecy wolves is because he had to. The tan wolf in Chapter 34 is most likely Future Ridley. Here’s what I believe happened.
KJ and his group of wyverns were meant to decimate Ridley, Jane, Pax, and Reign, because the cloaked wolf was never a part of that timeline. I imagine that Jane was killed, and Reign and Pax were tamed. Ridley managed to time travel by absorbing Pax’s power, because we know as Shadow he was able to do that along with Adira. Ridley traveled back into the past, long before Ridley had ever become Shadow or met the Prophecy Wolves, but still at a point of time where he got his powers from the Beyond (as we know, Past Ridley was unfamiliar with those experiences he obtained after traveling into the future). Future Ridley then transported Past Ridley into the present day that we are familiar with, where their plan began to save themselves from KJ and his group. After that happened, Past Ridley (who I’ll now call Cloaked Ridley) obtained all the memories of Present Ridley (the Ridley we know). Cloaked Ridley was ordered by Future Ridley to interfere with KJ’s plans of killing the Prophecy Wolves at the swamp. Using his invisibility, intangibility, and Future Ridley’s knowledge Cloaked Ridley sabotaged the attack and saved the Prophecy Wolves. The reason why he said “I’m back.” to Present Ridley is still unknown to me, but if Present Ridley was meant to survive and travel back into the past then that means he’d be the next Future Ridley. This explains why Future Ridley tpld Cloaked Ridley not to kill all the humans or something. Present Ridley will now have to travel back into the past and be the next Future Ridley, so the integrity of the timeline remains stable and so that it doesn’t mess up how things shouldve gone. If the humans were killed, Present Ridley won’t feel a need to travel into the future, and everything will be messed up. The Future Ridley of now is the one who started the loop.
I know it’s Ridley, because him, Duke, and Apollo were the only confirmed ManipulationPaws. Not only that, but Ridley is tan, and Duke wouldn’t care to save his brother after what he did to him. Thus, it has to be Ridley. As for how Future Ridley could heal Cloaked Ridley, I’m not sure. I think it’ll have something to do with the Diplo’s Weeds (this sounds so wrong lol). Future Ridley probably found it and could absorb it to heal Prince, but wanted to keep the others alive so went back into the past to change the future. I think Present Ridley will keep going, find the weed, then Cloaked Ridley will appear and make Present Ridley travel into the past to fulfill Future Ridley’s roles. Cloaked Ridley will become the new Present Ridley, with only a few memories misaligned and incorrect. I think this will be how Jane comes to trust Ridley again, because this Ridley technically never did anything wrong, he only has the memories of the current Ridley. Yeah I made it more complicated than I should have.
Anyway, good luck with your exams!