ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Chapter 1.
Episode 1.
Hello everyone! Before we start I would like to tell you a few details about my book I’m about to write tomorrow! It’s main character is a male ferox named December who’s mostly black with a bit on orenge ish brown and he is unaware of the powers element has on ferox.. (sorry it’s literally just the character details lol) hope your at least a lil excited for my book!! - soon to be book writer: spirit dragon. :3
I'll be sure to check out the submissions :D
Can't wait to see what everyone's come up with
To: Wyvernian, MrGhostGamer
From: Ben, & KM
Wyvernian, Chapter 16 of TOP OOS was good stuff! Yeah I already Fandom so I’ll leave it at that.
MGG, long time no see, glad you’re back in the writing game! Just hope that you’ll finish Hope’s Call and Life Before. Ark: Object of Extinction is really good so far and there’s a major improvement in writing between this and Hopes Cry. I’m curious to see why the URE is tatooing “Contestant” on their citizens for this ARK. Very fishy. Ethan seems fun so far. Anyway, I’ll see you around.
To: Break-it, DiploLover
From: Ben, & KM
Break-it, I returned back to TOT, so yeah, just putting that out there to clear up confusion.
DiploLover, Chapter 31 of CON was awesome! I presume now that KJ will team up with Adira, making her forces even stronger than before if she’s ordered the Yutys to go after the five wolves and now the humans with their aerial superiority. It’s going to be tough for the five wolves to defeat Adira with such powerful allies.
Fanfictioneers of the Achatina Community!! Wyvernian, Moon, Me and some others have the great pleasure to share that we have submitted two (potentially three) new creature designs for the votes going on right now!!! And we might need your help in support!!! Please check out the Maip and Centrosaurus designs in the Ark Forums Creature Submission!!!
I wanna write a ark story about a ferox in this section k? But only if this gets at least A like so i know someone will read it kk? Ok I’ll check back tomorrow to see if I got a like multiple likes means I will write tomorrow (I prob will rather way lol) ty in advance!