ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Bring loads of thatch foundations , after clearing a Room put some on the spawns,repeat this on ALL the floors and corridors , It Will help in the next time to get the artifact(mobile),blocking all the spawns, you can even make a base here, It its Very safe, but remember, tame a Scorpion here then use It to tame a araneo, you cant enter ant other caves i can remember with the scorpion for invisibility(mobile), remember from the base i said? Tou can even Farm metal, Crystal and obsidiana if you don't block their spawns and have an clear access tรด drops and the artifact if those don't blocked , also WATER, you don't need a 457282891 kilometers plumbing.
10X balm
Hide Armour BPS
Metal pick and hatchet BPS
Fishing Rod
(Those are the ones i remember, maybe Wooden Shields BPS or already crafted)
More Artifact of the Hunter Tips
U can easily speed run the artifact just before any major creature area comes there's a ledge area which looks down U usually go from its side since that's the straight way but if Ur speed running that place sucks just go to the edge of the ledge and aim with Ur pistol or rifle (keep a bunch of bullets) arrows might work not sure about those but anyways fire away at the abthros and stuff there is a small area just below the ledge where there are some but no more than like 7 I haven't encountered more in that specific area throw a torch down if U can't see normally just shoot them till they die jump from the ledge downwards and sprint forward on a slight right area there's the crouch part for the artifact just kill the measly mobs in the artifact room take the artifact and run do this fast go back towards the ledge and jump spam climb on it's right side while Ur facing it and ull be at the top there's basically no mobs at the top ull easily make it out no problem
Loot from Tributing:
Up to Ascendant Metal Pick/Axe (mainly Blueprints)
10X Soothing Balm
Wooden Shield
Hide Armor
Fishing Rod (mainly BP's)
Have a great time in the ARK!
Lots of insects btw
Bring an axe for the stuff
Can be relatively easy just make sure you have long range damage for the arthros because they take extra damage from projectiles, also be sure to look out for megalania they for they carry rabies and mega rabies I almost died because one looked just like it was a part if the cave ceiling, it wasn't it came down gave me mega rabies because I didn't use a tame for my thyla had died in the massive cave in lava but a death caption never came up so RIP thyla absolute alpha destroyer. But anyways a rifle makes this easier but a shotgun without a mount works great just make sure you bring extra armor because the arthros will belreak your armor really fast with their spit and you'll die very fast if you don't have more also don't get cornered. - Good Luck Survivors
I forgot to add the cave is quite cold, so I recommend bring primitive hide armor because it is cheap, but durable and helpful with cold temperatures. There are loot crates on the path they give armor or armor and saddle blueprints, if you are low level I recommend grabbing them, there are also loot crates in the water, just be careful as baryonyxs are the best jumpers and swimmers but they can get stuck, apparently there is megaprihnas which do good damage and injure you. The water is also super cold so be careful. Keep surviving survivor.- Boss slayer guy.
Honestly the easiest artifact to acquire. As soon as you unlock a bow, you can easily go on foot. Bring at least 40 arrows. When you get to the cliff bit, look for any spiders or scorpions or titanoboas, and shoot them to lure them to you. When you kill them, check their inventories for extra arrows. The final room can be accessed by crouching, get in, grab the artifact, get out, no time wasted!
This artifact is easy. I recommend taming a high level baryonyx like 80+ for level 150 max servers. Level up your bary outside of the cave, you want stats like 4,000 health and 500% melee. Go to the cave and get the artifact. I recommend fighting everything because it is easy level ups, also go to both rooms as they both have explorer notes. The first one has the rex note near the water on the cliff, the behind the artifact there is the titanaboa explorer note. The other room has ruins there is the kaprosuchus dossier, and at the edge there is the leech dossier. The leech is in the deepest part of the room. Note bringing a bary with this power is basically cheesing the cave because it is super easy this way, I just recommend to bring a little bit of raw fish meat because centipedes known as arthopleura do a lot of damage. The rewards for this caves are the following: wooden shield, hide blueprints, hide armor, fishing rod, fishing rod blue print, metal pick and hatchet blue prints, or metal pick and metal hatchet, and 10x sooothing balm.