ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Just posted the 25th chapter of Ferra’s Dream
More Purple Coloring Tips
Like this if you like black and purple on flack
Imaginary Technique: Hollow Purple
The dye behind the slaughter dundundundundun
Hey everyone I wanted to let y’all know I have a series of unfortunate events starting in the giga category
Okay so for once I actually decided to gather up my plot ideas (I haven’t done that since AH (Ally’s Hope))
Anyway, I’ve concluded that FD has at least 14 chapters left
Not me internally dying
Can somebody clear up ferras dream chap 24 I didn’t really understand it so can someone explain it in simpler terms?
Thicc44’s color!!!!!!!!!!!!!(best channel ever)
*jumps up onto table*
(Flame) was it interesting?
Yes, just enough violence to last me this week
(Flame) good, did you see anything
Yup, Lolbits back and she’s trying to take over the dyes
(Flame) has lava done anything about it?
No! That worthless piece of crabs hasn’t done anything!
*looks down sadly at paws*
And-and...they got Shadow
(Flame) we have to go rescue her!
I know, and that’s why I need you to stay here and take my place temporarily
(Flame) WHAT!? NO! Some people practically worship you! I could never take your place...
Flame, we don’t have time for this
(Flame) fine, I’ll do it
-WhiteWinterTiger (and Flame)
A tigers Lore
The door that had let Silk into the room I was confined in had closed after she came in, but now, it was open again. I heard a whistle, then Silk turned to me.
(Silk) I…have to go…I’ll be back later okay?
Silk turned toward the door and went through it, I sat and watched as it closed, hiding Silk from view. I was sad, I did not want her to go, at least I had gotten food in the short time she was with me, but, even though I had only been with her for a few minutes, she already felt like family.
A few days had past and I hadn’t seen Silk, I was sad, and starting to get desperate. I couldn’t tell exactly, but, it felt like it was night, even though there where no outside windows, I could tell. I went too sleep in the cold empty room.
I woke up with a start, I had just had a horrible nightmare, and all of a sudden, I wanted nothing but to be with Silk, I was in desperate need to see her. I felt my emotions bubbling up inside me, then, I started to change. A scientist walked by the glass wall that aloud them to see me, he stopped in his tracks as he realized something was wrong with me. I became taller, my black stripes melted away, my fur became thicker, my legs longer, my teeth sharper, my nose, stronger, I was now a wolf. I looked at myself, I was a white wolf, how did I know what those looked like? I didn’t know. The scientist gasped at my change. I faced the back wall where the small door was and sniffed the air, I could smell Silks sent, but didn’t know where she was. I went closer to the door and sniffed around it, I was bigger than it now. Then, my ears perked up and I turned around. There where now five scientist starring at me, one holding Silk. I walked toward the glass and she jumped out of the scientists arms.
(Silk) I-I…this is…unlike anything I’ve ever seen!
“What’s happening to me?!”
(Silk) I-it’s okay, I’m here now. I’ve heard the humans talk, they say you have the ability to turn into other creatures
As Silk finished speaking I turned back into a cat and the scientists left to consult their data.
A few more days had passed and I hadn’t turned into anything else, Silk had been able to spend most of her time with me, things didn’t seem so bad. It was one of those sad times when the scientists hadn’t let Silk be with me so I was just sitting trying to hear what the scientist where saying, when a sharp pain hit my side. I hissed, something had come out of the left wall and hit me in the side, it was a tranq dart. I collapsed.
Everything was fuzzy, but I could still tell briefly what was going on.
The glass wall disappeared and a scientist came and picked me up.
Everything went black and when I could see again I noticed I was on some kind of table. There where more sharp pains but I wasn’t even able to react. I heard the scientists speak to one another.
(Scientist 1)Look at this! It’s doing even better than we hoped! It’s DNA is constantly changing to react to its needs and emotions!
(Scientist 2) which ark is it going to again?
(Scientist 3) the island, it’s going to be the final boss for survivors to defeat to show that they’ll be ready for the next ark, which will be even harder
Everything went black again
A tigers lore
A creature walked through the now open door, it was a cat, like her. Was she a cat though? She didn’t know, her body was more the shape of a cats, but her pelt, looked more like a tigers. The cat walked up to her
(Cat) hello
I squeaked, I could not speak, yet, I knew what humans, cats, and tigers looked like and where.
(Cat) I’m sorry you have to go through this
Go through what?
(Cat) I’m Silk, I’m supposed to act like your mother or something, but, I’ve never been one before
I looked at Silks black fur, it dit look quite silky, maybe that was why she was named that. I gulped.
“I-I think you’ll be g-great. I would tell you my name but, I don’t know it”
(Silk) you can talk? At this age?
I didn’t know how I just did that, a moment ago I had not known how to speak, this was, odd.
(Silk) well, um, I don’t think you have a official name, I know your “species” is supposed to be called a Morph, but I don’t think you really have a name
“Then give me one, please”
(Silk) well aren’t you polite. Um…
Silk looked at me, deciding what she should call me.
(Silk) how bout Winter?
“I-I like it”
(Silk) good, I’m sure your hungry, let’s get you some food