ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Hi Lynx welcome to Fuschia! Feel free to post stories here or just chat. #FF4L. ✌️
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-Seeing with more than eyes-
Character names in story. :
Hailee. (Main character). Black wolf with silver eyes.
Akeelah. (Hailee’s father) grey wolf with brown eyes.
Alaqua. (Hailee’s mother.) dark grey wolf with green eyes.
Kayla. (Hailee’s older sis) dark brown wolf with bright blue eyes.
Caleb. (Hailee’s little brother) grey wolf with brown eyes.
Aunt Zena. (Hailee’s aunt) white wolf with blue eyes.
Uncle Hakime (Hailee’s uncle also Akeelah’s brother) grey wolf with light brown eyes.
Laura. (Hailee’s little cousin)
Winston. (A new friend Hailee meets)a light brown wolf with green eyes.
-Seeing with more than eyes-
Hailee was blind. She had been born that way. Her eyes were strangely silver. But with great differences comes great powers…(I think that’s how the saying goes) Although Hailee was blind she could sense the shape or sense the distance of an object. But even though she had these abilities, her family treated her like the runt of the family. Many times Hailee had heard her aunt telling her mother how well Kaylee hunted and how Hailee just lounged around. They treated her like she was not only blind but deaf. Hailee could never come on hunting trips because she could not see and would probably step on branches or trip which would frighten the prey away. All this to say Hailee was mistreated even if they didn’t mean it she was treated like a runt. Hailee was always to stay in the cave so she wouldn’t hurt herself. But that all changed one day…
Here is the intro for my new story called “seeing with more than eyes”. The first chapter will continue here in dire wolf and so will the rest of the story. I hope you enjoy it. 😃. Also the reason I described what the characters looked like was because the main character can’t see what they look like. #FF4L
- ~Ghosthound604
P.S: Btw there is another fan fictioner called Mr.Ghost gamer, we are NOT the same person. We’ve met on Dododex but we are not the same person. .
-Seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter eight.
Hailee woke up the next morning, feeling happy. Tomorrow she was going to wolves like her! No more disappointed parents and mean sisters! She was going somewhere she belonged! She would only miss Caleb. Speaking of her brother..
Caleb rubbed against her side and nudged her with his snout. “Hello Hailee.” Caleb said. “You okay?” Hailey nodded, and wrapped her tail around his, then lowered her snout closer to the ground. Caleb leaned over to listen to her. “Caleb. There’s something I need to tell you but I need you to keep it a secret.” Hailee whispered. She heard a smile in his voice as he said, “Yes?”
“I’m leaving.” Hailee said. Caleb inhaled slightly. “Why?” He asked in a small voice. “I have to find wolves like me. I don’t belong here.” Hailee said. Caleb whimpered. “I’m gonna miss you sis.” He whispered. “I’ll miss you too Caleb.”
-Seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter seven.
“Wow this place is awesome!” Hailee said. Winston smiled. “Thanks, you’re in my mind.” Winston said. Hailee turned and gaped at him. “You’re what?” She asked. Winston smile grew bigger. “You heard me, my mind. I’m a telepath. That’s my power.”
“Your power?” Hailee asked in wonder. Winston nodded. “Yes, you have one too. Occasionally in a tribe of wolves there are special wolves that have…abilities. While some were accepted as they were, some were scorned and thrust out of their pack. Others… were sought for their abilities.” Hailee sat there staring at him with her mouth wide. “So a group of these powerful wolves got together and and formed a tribe for those wolves. I was sent here to find you because I could sense you’re power from our tribe location in the mountains.”
“So are we going to go to this tribe?” Hailee asked eagerly. She was super eager to get away from her mean family(except for her brother) and go to wolves like her and Winston. Winston nodded slowly. “Yes, we’ll head there tomorrow night. Understand?” Winston asked her. Hailee nodded. “Wait till everyone is asleep and then head outside and I’ll lead you to them.” Hailee could hardly wait for the next night.
-Seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter six.
“What are you talking about?” Hailee asked. Winston obviously had said something wrong bc he started stammering embarrassed. “Well-I-I what I meant was-was…never mind.” Hailee turned to go. “Never mind, I thought you were my friend…” She said. “Wait!” Winston called. “Fine. There’s something I need to show you, if you’ll come with me.” Winston said. “Where?” Hailee asked. “In the forest.” He said. Hailee’s heart leaped. “Really?! I’ve never been there.” She said eagerly. “Well, we’re going there now.” Winston said a smile playing in his voice.
Winston led her deep into the forest to a secret place he knew her pack wouldn’t follow them. “Ok we’re here.” He finally said. “What is it you wanted to show me?” Hailee asked. “Close your eyes.” Winston said. Hailee glared in his direction. “ Do you think my eyes can get anymore closed!” She exclaimed. Winston sighed wearily. “Please… just close them…all the way.” Winston said. Hailee reluctantly did so. “Ok now what?” She asked. “Relax.” He said. Hailee took a deep breath then let her feelings go. She felt peaceful suddenly. “Now open your eyes.” Winston said. She did and… she could see! “I can see!” She cried excitedly. In front of her was Winston. They were in a meadow filled with flowers and more flowers going on for miles. They were not in the forest anymore. “Where are we?” She asked. “We are inside of your mind.” Winston said. Suddenly she realized… Winston’s mouth was not moving when he spoke. “What…” she began but Winston interrupted her. “Just like you have a special gift I do too. I can read people’s minds (if they’re not too strong) and I can go INSIDE their minds. Hailee realized his back right leg, it wasn’t lame anymore it was normal. “Wow! This is awesome!” Hailee said.
Next chapter coming soon! Hope u enjoyed!
-Seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter five.
Hailee was awakened again next morning in the same harsh manner. “Get up! You’re wasting broad daylight!” Akeelah snarled. “Well I’m not allowed to help with anything so what’s the point of getting me up?” Hailee mumbled. “Are you talking back to me?” He growled. Hailee lowered her head. Hailee knew he wanted her gone from the tribe so she probably shouldn’t get on his nerves. If it hadn’t been for Caleb Hailee would have been gone. Caleb had begged their parents not to throw her out. He was one of the only ones who loved her. Kayla HATED her and did not mind showing it. “No…dad.” She said. She heard him walk away. Then she heard him talking to Kayla. “‘She being difficult again Daddy?” Kayla asked sickeningly sweet. Akeelah sighed. “Yes, she insists on laying around while we do all the work.” Akeelah said. “If only we could…but that would break Caleb’s little heart.” Kayla said. Akeelah snorted. “He just needs to grow up and realize what she really is.” He said. “Agreed.” Kayla said. They walked off. Hailee felt her way to the cave entrance and sat there. She sat there listening to the older wolves going of to hunt, to the little cubs playing. Hailee sighed. She didn’t want to be blind. All she wanted was to be normal. Just them she heard something approaching from her side, she could hear a scraping sound as the wolf approached her. “Hello Winston.” She said. “How did you know it was me?” Winston asked. “Well, one of your paws drag behind you making a dragging noise and there is not any other wolves that have a foot that’s like that.” Hailee said. “Oh, I guess since I’m different from the others that means I’m special.” He said smiling. Hailee shook her head. “No Winston, because we’re different we’re NOT special.” Hailee said sadly. Winston darted forward in front of Hailee to comfort her. “No, Hailee that’s not right. Don’t listen to them don’t give up! We ARE special trust me I know.” Winston said. Hailee cocked her head. “What do you mean? What are you talking about?” Hailee asked.
-seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter four.
Hailee lay in her bed of leaves pretending to be asleep until everyone else was asleep, then she quietly snuck out the cave. She paused at her regular place by the entrance. There she sat as she usually did. She breathed in the night air. Suddenly she heard someone move close to her. “Who’s there?” She called softly. “Um… I’m Winston, I’m kind of new around here so…I’m not allowed in the cave.” Winston said. She heard him moving closer to her, dragging his back right leg in the dirt. “You must be Hailee.” “You’re blind right?” He asked. Hailee nodded then cocked her head in his direction. “How did you know I was blind and that my name is Hailee?” Hailee asked. “Well… I heard some of the older she wolves talking about you…” Winston said. Hailee smirked. “Ah, yes…the gossiping ladies. I’m one of their favorite subjects.” She said sarcastically but softly so that no one in the cave could hear them. Then her smile faded away. “What did they say?” Hailee whispered. Winston getting the hint lowered his voice as well.
“They were saying that… it was a pity your little brother liked you or else the pack might have gotten rid of…” he trailed off. Hailee’s heart broke. One tear slowly dropped from her eye. “I’m sorry.” Said Winston. “I shouldn’t have told you that…you were better of not knowing that.” He started to walk off but he stopped whenever Hailee called after him. “Wait! Pls don’t leave, you seem nice.” She said. A smile played at his face. “Don’t worry I’m not leaving, I plan to stay for a while.” Winston said. Hailee smiled then headed back into the cave. She felt her way to her bed. Then she cried herself to sleep. Nobody loved her. Except Caleb. And maybe Winston liked her.
And that is the end of chapter four. Keep tuned in for chapter five. 😉
-seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter three.
Hailee lay in her bed of leaves half asleep. Her mind wandered as she was falling asleep. Why did they not like her? Why were they afraid of her? What were they hiding from her? Finally after pondering these questions for a while, Hailee drifted off.
“Hailee wake up!” A voice called interrupting her sleep. Hailee sat up. It was her father. “Get up everyone else is up.” He said sternly. Hailee’s ears flattened to the sides of her head. “I’m sorry dad.” He didn’t answer instead he trotted away. Hailee sighed. “Another day.” She said. She got to her paws and padded carefully toward the direction of the door. But she wasn’t careful enough, she accidentally ran into someone knocking her and the other wolf of their paws. “Hey!” The wolf said. It was Kayla. “Sorry Kayla!” Hailee said. “Watch where you’re going Hailee!” Kayla snarled. Kayla had been dragging a recent hunt inside. Hailee lowered her head. “Sorry.” She whimpered then padded outside. She sat next to the entrance of the cave. She was not allowed any further then the entrance because they didn’t want her getting lost because she couldn’t find her way home. Hailee had never stepped one paw past this entrance and no one wanted to take her out there. She heard tiny paw prints behind her. “Hi Hailee!” Caleb said. “Hi Caleb. What are you doing out here?” She asked. before he could answer they were interrupted. A long howl filled the air. Hailee felt her father pass her, growling ferociously. (Hailee’s father was the pack leader.) “What’s going on?” Hailee whispered to Caleb. “There’s a strange new wolf here.” Caleb whimpered. Although Hailee didn’t know it in front of Akeelah was a light brown wolf with green eyes, his his back right leg was dragging lamely in the dirt. “Who are you intruder!” Akeelah growled. “My name is Winston, I come from a wolf pack in the east.” The new wolf said. “And what do you want from us?!” Akeelah spat. “My wolf pack was attacked by terror birds. They slaughtered my pack.” Winston said. “I was the only one who escaped.” He said. “What happened to your leg?” Akeelah asked. “I was born with it like that. I’ve been searching for a place to stay.” Winston said. Akeelah’s voice softened but only a bit “Fine you may stay here… but you will sleep OUTSIDE the entrance of the cave until you have earned our trust. We don’t take kindly to wolves that are…different.” Hailee felt him glance at her from the corner of his eye. Hailee sighed and turned around to go back in the cave.
I hope you are enjoying this story!#FF4L.
-Seeing with more than eyes-
Chapter two.
A short while later the hunting squad came back from the hunt. Akeelah, Alaqua, and Kayla came to the cave where Hailee and Caleb were waiting. “Here’s breakfast.” Alaqua said. “Ooh! Deer!” Caleb squealed excitedly. Hailee smiled. “You really like deer.” She said. She turned in the direction of her mother’s voice. “Hello mum, hello dad.” “Hello Hailee.” Akeelah said in a slightly strained voice. “Hello Hailee.” Alaqua repeated in the same strained voice. “What is it?” Hailee asked her parents. “Nothing.” They replied quickly at the same time. Hailee inwardly sighed. Caleb was right. They didn’t trust her and probably didn’t want her. She forced a smile. She felt Kayla pass her Hailee slowly made her way to the deer that was their breakfast. She bit down on it and ripped a piece of deer of it. She swallowed it then got more. She heard Kayla and her parents close by eating and felt Caleb pressed against her eating. She and Caleb had always been great friends. Whenever Hailee was lonely Caleb was there. Whenever Caleb needed help or was lonely Hailee was there. Even though Hailee didn’t like being left out or being treated badly she hoped life would always stay this way. How wrong she was…
Guys I hope u liked this chapter!
Yeah I’m here. This is my dye after all. No one really comes here anymore. I appreciate you stopping by though, it’s lonely. So have you write any stories?
Hi mr demon realz. Can’t wait for ur next chapter!